
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (lak-1)

Derr Lak Pinw: Camwgiw

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx qra jimgensix qongw liauw, dyrr hiongr dairjiongr suanvor qongxx, “Guaw jitt xee derjuw Mahakasyapa dirr birlaii sxer tangx qinrqnir diyc snax-vah banrig xui vut sewjunx, e hiongr inx qiong’iongw, qiongqingr, jundiong, janwtanr, siwqer suansuad jiongww vut buliong uixdai ee Hxuad. Dirr juewau jit srinx, ix tangx jniaa jyr vut, qiyr jyr Qongbingg Zulaii, Ingqaix Qiong’iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix, Diwhui qapp Dikhing Uanbuanw, Sxen Quewongw, Liauxqaiw Sewqanx, Busiong Sru, Diauhyy Diongrhux, Tenzinn qapp Langg ee Suhu, Vut, Sewjunx. Ix ee qog ee miaa qiyr jyr Qngdig, qiab ee miaa si Dua Jonggiamm. Vut ee siurbing si jap-zi siyw qiab, Jniar Hxuad diamr sewqanx zi-jap siyw qiab, Cincniu Hxuad iarr si zi-jap siyw qiab. Vudqog virr jngsig qaxx jiokk jonggiamm, byy jiongxjiongw uwuer, tosuax, jiyhtauu, qingqig, dairsiauxven jiaxee byy cingkir ee mihqnia. Hex qoktow vnitnaw siwjniar, byy quann quann qe qe ee lapkud iacc snualun, iong liulii jyr de, vyxciu vaii jyr jit let jit let, iong ngqimx jyr jinsnuar laii rue lo ee  hunqair, u ia vyxquir ee huex, siwvnix longxx cingjing. Hitt qog ee posad u buliong cing’ig, sniabunn dairjiongr iarr si busor. Dirr jiax byy ok'ir jitt hy dairjir. Suizenn u xmoo qapp xmoo ee juxbinn, inx longxx horcii Vudhuad.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VI Prediction 1)

At that time, after the Bhagavat had spoken these verses, he addressed the great assembly, proclaiming: “This disciple of mine, Mahākāśyapa, in the future will be able to meet three hundred myriads of koṭis of Buddha Bhagavats to whom he will pay homage, respect, veneration, and praise; and he will extensively expound the immeasurable great teachings of these buddhas. In his last body he will become a buddha called Raśmiprabhāsa, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Well-Departed, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavat. “His world will be called Avabhāsaprāpta in the kalpa called Mahāvyūha. The lifespan of this buddha will be twelve intermediate kalpas. The True Dharma will last in the world for twenty intermediate kalpas and the Semblance Dharma will also last for twenty intermediate kalpas. “His world will be adorned and there will be no dirt, shards, thorns, excrement, or other impurities. The earth will be level without irregularities, hollows, or hills. The earth will be made of lapis lazuli with jeweled trees in rows. Golden cords will line the borders of these roads, which will be scattered with precious flowers, and everywhere will be pure. “In his world there will be immeasurable thousands of koṭis of bodhisattvas as well as innumerable śrāvakas. All malice will be far removed; and even though Māra and his minions will be there, they will all protect the Buddha-Dharma.”

(妙法蓮華經第六品 授記之1)

爾時世尊說是偈已。告諸大眾唱如是言。我此弟子摩訶迦葉。於未來世當得奉覲三百萬億諸佛世尊。供養恭敬尊重讚歎。廣宣諸佛無量大法。於最後身得成為佛。名曰光明如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。國名光德。劫名大莊嚴。 佛壽十二小劫。正法住世二十小劫。像法亦住二十小劫。國界嚴飾無諸穢惡瓦礫荊棘便利不淨。其土平正。無有高下坑坎堆阜。琉璃為地寶樹行列。黃金為繩以界道側。散諸寶華周遍清淨。其國菩薩無量千億。諸聲聞眾亦復無數。無有魔事。雖有魔及魔民。皆護佛法。

