Hitt sijun, Mahamaudgalyayana, Subhuti, qapp Mahākātyāyana longxx qniax qaxx sicsih junr, itsimx habjiongw giongxbong jungann, bagjiux m qramx nih, habjee qongw jimgensix qongxx:
“Dua inghiongg iongxbingw ee Sewjunx
Soxu Sakya Jok ee huat’ongg
Linbinw guanw jiaxee
Laii sur vut ee imsniax
Cincniu jaix guaw simlai
Hanxqenr jyr camwgiw
Kyxviw hiur qamlo
Druu zedkir did cingliangg
Kyxviw an’ iauqix ee qokqax laii
Hutzenn duw diyc dairongg ee jiahsit
Simlai iaxx huaigii qycc kurpnar
M qnaw libkig jiac
Narr qycc did diyc ongg ee jixsi
Zen’au jiacc qnaw jiac
Guanw iarr si zucuw
Muixmuiw sniu diyc Siyxsingg ee quewsid
M jaix qaidongx zuhyy
Jiacc tangx did diyc vut busiong ee diwhui
Suizenn tniax diyc vut ee imsniax
Qongw guanw e jyr vut
Simdiong iaxx u iulu qapp kiongxku
Cincniu m qnaw liammix jiac qangrkuanw
Narr tangx ybingg vut ee camwgiw
Zucuw dyrr tangx ansimx qapp kuaiwlok
Dua inghiongg iongxbingw ee Sewjunx
Itdit beh hro sewqanx anlok
Hibang liw qra guanw camwgiw
Kyxviw iaugy :ee rair langg' qiyr inx jiac”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VI Prediction 3)
At that time Mahāmaudgalyāyana, Subhūti, and Mahākātyāyana were all charged with excitement, and with palms pressed together they attentively gazed at the Bhagavat, never turning their eyes from him. They immediately spoke these verses in unison:
O Bhagavat, Great Hero!
O King of the Dharma of the Śākyas!
Bestow the Buddha’s words upon us
Out of your compassion for us.
If, knowing the depths of our hearts,
You give us your predictions,
It will be like cooling our fevers
By sprinkling us with the Dharma of immortality.
It is as though someone coming
From a country suffering from famine
Were suddenly to find
A great king’s feast spread before him,
Yet is stricken with doubt
And does not venture to eat,
Until, being instructed by the king,
He dares at last to do so.
We are exactly like this.
We have been constantly thinking
About the faults of the inferior vehicle,
And so we had no knowledge of the way
To obtain the highest wisdom of the Buddha.
Although we hear the Buddha’s voice
Saying that we will become buddhas,
We still have doubt in our minds
As if we dare not eat the meal.
If we receive the Buddha’s prediction
It will immediately put us at ease.
The Bhagavat, the Great Hero,
Always wants to put the world at ease;
And so we entreat you to bestow
Upon us your predictions,
As though to starving people
Waiting for permission to eat.
(妙法蓮華經第六品 授記之3)
爾時大目犍連。須菩提。摩訶迦栴延等。皆悉悚慄。 一心合掌瞻仰尊顏。目不暫捨。即共同聲。而說偈言。
大雄猛世尊 諸釋之法王
哀愍我等故 而賜佛音聲
若知我深心 見為授記者
如以甘露灑 除熱得清涼
如從饑國來 忽遇大王饍
心猶懷疑懼 未敢即便食
若復得王教 然後乃敢食
我等亦如是 每惟小乘過
不知當云何 得佛無上慧
雖聞佛音聲 言我等作佛
心尚懷憂懼 如未敢便食
若蒙佛授記 爾乃快安樂
大雄猛世尊 常欲安世間
願賜我等記 如飢須教食