
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (lak-2)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw: 

“Jiongww bikiu guaw qra linw qongw 

Guaw iong vudganw 

Knuar diyc Kasyapa 

Dirr birlaii sxer 

Quer busor qiab 

E tangx jyr vut 

Dirr laiser 

E qiong’iongw qapp qinrqnir 

Snax-vah-bxan ig xui

Vut Sewjunx 

Uirr qriuu vut ee diwhui 

Cingjing siuahak dua senrhingg 

Qiong’iongw jniawsiong 

Hokdig qapp diwhui liongw uanbuanw ee junjiaw liauxau 

Siuhak itcer 

Busiong ee diwhui 

Dirr juewau jit srinx 

Tangx singjiu jyr vut 

Ix ee qoktow cingjing 

Liulii jyr de 

U jerje vyxquir ee ciu 

Dirr lo-vnix vailet 

Iong qimx ee jinsnuar jyr hunqair 

Knuar .diyc :ee longxx hnuahiw 

Dniardnia cud pangbi 

Ia jerje quiwkir ee huex 

Jiongxjiongw qibiau ee mihqnia 

Laii jonggiamm qoktow 

Toxde vnitnaw siwjniar 

Byy lapkud iacc snualun 

Jiongww posad 

Sowliong sngr be liauw 

Inx ee simx unhyy ziusun 

Ixqingx u dua sintongx 

Hongrhingg cisiuw jiongww vut  

Dairsing ee qingdenw 

Sniabunn dairjiongr 

Did diyc byy lrau juewau jit srinx 

Huat’ongg ee qniaw 

Iarr sngr be liauw 

Junw iong tenganw 

Iarr berdangr jaix sowliong 

Vut ee siurbing 

Jap-zi siyw qiab 

Jniar Hxuad diamr sewqanx 

Zi-jap siyw qiab 

Cincniu Hxuad iarr si 

Zi-jap siyw qiab 

Qngbingg Sewjunx 

Ix ee surjingg si zucuw”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VI Prediction 2)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to explain the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

I tell you, O monks, 

That I see with the buddha-eye 

That Kāśyapa in the future 

Will become a buddha 

After innumerable kalpas have passed. 

In the future he will meet and pay homage 

To three hundred myriads of koṭis of Buddha Bhagavats 

And practice the pure path of discipline and integrity, 

Seeking for the wisdom of the buddhas. 

Having offered respect to the highest and best of humans 

And having completely grasped the ultimate wisdom, 

He will become a buddha while in his last body. 

His land will be pure. 

The earth will be made of lapis lazuli,

And many jeweled trees will be in rows 

Along roads bordered with golden cords,

And those who see it will be gladdened. 

The air will be always filled 

With a pleasant fragrance, 

And many beautiful flowers 

Will be strewn about. 

Various wonderful things 

Will adorn this earth, 

Which will be level 

Without hills or hollows. 

There will be an incalculable number

Of bodhisattvas there 

Who will have the power of self-control, 

Be versed in transcendent powers, 

And who will preserve the sutras of the Mahayana 

Taught by the buddhas. 

The multitude of śrāvakas, 

Bearing their last bodies, free from corruption, 

Heirs of the Dharma King, 

Will also be unreckonable; 

Their number will be impossible to calculate 

Even with the divine eye. 

The lifespan of this buddha 

Will be twelve intermediate kalpas.

The True Dharma will last in the world 

For twenty intermediate kalpas. 

And the Semblance Dharma will also last 

For twenty intermediate kalpas. 

Thus will things be with 

The Bhagavat Raśmiprabhāsa.

(妙法蓮華經第六品 授記之2)


 告諸比丘  我以佛眼  見是迦葉

 於未來世  過無數劫  當得作佛

 而於來世  供養奉覲  三百萬億

 諸佛世尊  為佛智慧  淨修梵行

 供養最上  二足尊已  修習一切

 無上之慧  於最後身  得成為佛

 其土清淨  琉璃為地  多諸寶樹

 行列道側  金繩界道  見者歡喜

 常出好香  散眾名華  種種奇妙

 以為莊嚴  其地平正  無有丘坑

 諸菩薩眾  不可稱計  其心調柔

 逮大神通  奉持諸佛  大乘經典

 諸聲聞眾  無漏後身  法王之子

 亦不可計  乃以天眼  不能數知

 其佛當壽  十二小劫  正法住世

 二十小劫  像法亦住  二十小劫

 光明世尊  其事如是

