Cisiuw cingjing qaiwlut :ee m tangx jiongsu bexbe qapp borik. M tangx hag canhngg cuwtec. M tangx u sidkeh iacc lojaii, iarr m tangx circniu. Itcer jingwjyh ee sittauu qapp jaivyw longxx m tangx bongx, naxx cincniu jauxpiah huexknix. M tangx cyr caa iacc kaikunw qrut de. M tangx qab iyc-aw iacc jiampog hiongqed. M tangx giac bak knuar cnisiur iacc cuisngr guec ngii guec kih laii qiksngr hyw-pnaiw zirun. Jiaxee longxx byy ingwdongx jyr. U jamrjad, jiac u jiauww sii, cingjing jurkyr. M tangx cab sewsu iacc jyr suwjiaw. M tangx yc huatsut len sendanx. M tangx qanda' beh qauvuee quiwkir :ee, duiwdiong inx, suacc knuawkinx kacc erjanr :ee. Jiaxee longxx byy ingwdongx jyr. Simx diyhh duanjniar qriuu dorhuar. M tangx amkamr kiamwdiamw, iong qew bin laii muapenr jingwlangg. Duiww sir jiongw qiong'iongw longxx u anrliong marr jaix buanxjiog. Cruw .diyc ee qiong'iongw byy ingwdongx dunxkngr.
Those of you who uphold the pure precepts should not buy, sell or trade. You should not covet fields or buildings, or keep servants or raise animals. You should stay far away from all kinds of agriculture and wealth as you would avoid a pit of fire. You should not cut down grass or trees, plow fields or dig the earth. Nor may you compound medicines, prophesize good and evil, observe the constellations, cast horoscopes by the waxing and waning of the moon, or compute astrological fortunes. All of these activities are improper. Regulate yourselves by eating at the appropriate time and by living in purity. You should not participate in worldly affairs or act as an envoy, nor should you become involved with magical spells and elixiers of immortality, or with making connections with high ranking people, being affectionate towards them and condescending towards the lowly. With an upright mind and proper mindfulness you should seek to cross over. Do not conceal your faults or put on a special appearance to delude the multitudes. Know the limits and be content with the four kinds of offerings. When you receive offerings, do not store them up.
Those of you who uphold the pure precepts should not buy, sell or trade. You should not covet fields or buildings, or keep servants or raise animals. You should stay far away from all kinds of agriculture and wealth as you would avoid a pit of fire. You should not cut down grass or trees, plow fields or dig the earth. Nor may you compound medicines, prophesize good and evil, observe the constellations, cast horoscopes by the waxing and waning of the moon, or compute astrological fortunes. All of these activities are improper. Regulate yourselves by eating at the appropriate time and by living in purity. You should not participate in worldly affairs or act as an envoy, nor should you become involved with magical spells and elixiers of immortality, or with making connections with high ranking people, being affectionate towards them and condescending towards the lowly. With an upright mind and proper mindfulness you should seek to cross over. Do not conceal your faults or put on a special appearance to delude the multitudes. Know the limits and be content with the four kinds of offerings. When you receive offerings, do not store them up.
(佛遺教經 -3)
持淨戒者不得販賣貿易。安置田宅。畜養人民奴婢畜生。一切種殖及諸財寶。皆當遠離如避火坑。不得斬伐草木墾土掘地。合和湯藥占相吉凶。 仰觀星宿推步盈虛曆數算計。皆所不應。節身時食清淨自活。不得參預世事通致使命。呪術仙藥。結好貴人親厚媟嫚。皆不應作。當自端心正念求度。不得苞藏瑕疵顯異惑眾。於四供養知量知足。趣得供事不應稸積。
持淨戒者不得販賣貿易。安置田宅。畜養人民奴婢畜生。一切種殖及諸財寶。皆當遠離如避火坑。不得斬伐草木墾土掘地。合和湯藥占相吉凶。 仰觀星宿推步盈虛曆數算計。皆所不應。節身時食清淨自活。不得參預世事通致使命。呪術仙藥。結好貴人親厚媟嫚。皆不應作。當自端心正念求度。不得苞藏瑕疵顯異惑眾。於四供養知量知足。趣得供事不應稸積。