
Vuddyy Uiliuu Qingx (8)

Linw jiaxee bikiu, jiapsiu jiahsit diyhh cincniu jiac iyc-aw, hyw jiac pnaiw jiac longxx m tangx qex jiac iacc qiamw jiac. Qiucuw .diyc .ee si iong laii tnia sinqud tangx dri iaugy qapp jriw cuiwdax. Kyxviw pxangx caiw huex, cruw bit narnia, be sngxhai diyc huex qapp pangbi. Bikiu iarr qangrkuanw, jiapsiu langg' ee qiong'iongw, cruw qaqi ee hunrgiac laii siauduu huanlyw, m tangx qex iauwqiuu sniaw diwsuw sunxhuai diyc senrsimx. Kyxviw u diwhui :ee e junxjad guu ee lat erdangr jicjair zuarr je dangrliong, be hro ix quewtauu tuabuaa suacc qra ix ee kuiwlat siauhuir liauw liauw.

All of you Bhikshus, you should receive various kinds of food and drink as if you were taking medicine. Whether they be good or bad, do not take more or less of them, but use them to cure hunger and thirst and to maintain the body. Bhikshus should be the same way as bees gathering from flowers, only taking the pollen without harming their form or scent; receive peoples' offerings to put an end to distress, but do not seek to obtain too much and spoil their good hearts. Be like a wise man, who having estimated the load that suits the strength of his ox, does not exceed that amount and exhaust its strength.

(佛遺教經 -8)
汝等比丘。受諸飲食當如服藥。於好於惡勿生增減。 趣得支身以除飢渴。如蜂採花但取其味不損色香。比丘亦爾。受人供養取自除惱。無得多求壞其善心。譬如智者籌量牛力所堪多少。不令過分以竭其力。

