
Vuddyy Uiliuu Qingx (9)

Linw jiaxee bikiu, zit .sii qutlat iongrsimx laii siulen senrhuad, byy pacsngw siqix. Mii-tauu iacc mii-buew iarr m tangx hnghuir. Mii-diongx siongrtog qingbunn laii siauduu huanlyw. M tangx uirdiyhh kunwbinn diwsuw itsingx kangx dro byy soxx did .diyc. Diyhh sniu diyc busiongg ee huew dirr sewqanx siyx, jaw jit sii qriuu dortuad, m tangx kunr .kir. Jiongxjiongw huanlyw ee cadtaux dniardnia tingwhau siqix beh taii langg, viw uansiulangg qyckacc lirhai. Liw nacc tangx qycc kunr? Nacc tangx byy cingcniw? Huanlyw jitt buew dogjuaa dirr liw simlai decc kunr, kyxviw ox juaa dirr linw cur-lai decc kunr. Diyhh iong cisiuw qaiwlut ee qaux-aw jaw jit sii qra druu danwsag. Decc kunr ee juaa qacc vniar .cud .kir dyrr tangx unxsimx aw kunr. Juaa iaxx bue cud .kir dyrr kir kunr si byy qenwsiauwsimx ee langg. Jaix qenwsiaur jitt niaw snxax, dirr soxu jonggiamm (ee jngsig) vaii derr id. Jaix qenwsiaur naxx cincniu ticqaux erdangr atjer langg kir jyr pnaiw dairjir. Soxiw qongxx, bikiu! Linw vutsii diyhh jaix qenwsiaur, jit sii dy' m tangx tewngua driau. Narr m jaix qenwsiaur, dyrr e sitlyc soxu qongdig. Jaix qenwsiaur :ee u senrhuad. M jaix qenwsiaur :ee, ham' jingsnex byy qyc'ngiu.

All of you Bhikshus, during the day, with a vigorous mind, cultivate the Dharma and don't allow the opportunity to be lost. In the first and last periods of the night also do not be lax, and during the middle period of the night, chant Sutras to make yourself well informed. Do not let the causes and conditions of sleep cause your single life to pass in vain, so that you don't obtain anything at all. You should be mindful of the fire of impermanence which burns up all the world. Seek to cross yourself over and do not sleep. The robber afflictions are always about to kill you even more than your enemies. How can you sleep? How can you not rouse yourself to awaken? With the hook of the precepts you should quickly remove the poisonous snake afflictions that are sleeping in your heart. When the sleeping snake is gone, then you can sleep at ease. Those who sleep even though it hasn't yet gone, are without shame. The clothing of shame, among all adornments, is the very best. Shame can be compared to an iron barb which can restrain people from doing evil. Therefore you should always have a sense of shame, and not be without it even for a moment, for if you have no sense of shame you will lose all of your merit and virtue. Those who have shame have good dharmas; one without it is no different from the birds and beasts.

(佛遺教經 -9)
汝等比丘。晝則勤心修習善法無令失時。初夜後夜亦勿有廢。中夜誦經以自消息。無以睡眠因緣令一生空過無所得也。當念無常之火燒諸世間。早求自度勿睡眠也。諸煩惱賊常伺殺人甚於怨家。安可睡眠不自驚寤。煩惱毒蛇睡在汝心。譬如黑蚖在汝室睡。當以持戒之鉤早摒除之。睡蛇既出乃可安睡。不出而眠是無慚人也。慚恥之服。於諸莊嚴最為第一。慚如鐵鉤能制人非法。是故比丘。 常當慚恥。無得暫替。若離慚恥則失諸功德。有愧之人則有善法。若無愧者。與諸禽獸無相異也。

