
Vuddyy Uiliuu Qingx (6)

Linw jiaxee bikiu erdangr cisiuw qaiwlut :ee diyhh jewab gnow-qinx, m tangx vangr quwjai inx hamrzip go jiongw iogbong. Vixlun knuar guu :ee ciuw tec tng, be vangr quwjai guu kir huan langg' ee xngx-aw. Narr vangr quwjai gnow-qinx, m na gnow-qinx e byy qaiwhan diddit kir, qyckacc hai :ee si kongwjer inx be diauu. Iarr kyxviw og bew byy qorr bexqarqniux qra hiabjer, ix e qra langg tuax kir siag lyc knikamr. Narr duw diyc qiapcat, sriu ee kow qanda' jit sxer. Gnow-qinx inw kiw ee jai'iongx e drir qaur quixlyrr sxer lyhjex, sionghai jiokk dua, berdangr byy qinxsin. Soxiw u diwhui :ee e apjer, be duer lecc kir, e qra inx lrak diauu lehh bersux duiwtai qiapcat, byy beh hro jauw .kir. Qaxsuw vangr quwjai inx, quer byy zuarr quw, dyrr e knuar diyc inx ee ziauxhai.

All of you Bhikshus, if you are already able to abide by the precepts, you should restrain the five sense organs, not allowing them to enter the five desires as they please. It is like a person tending cattle who carries a staff while watching them, not allowing them to run loose and trample others sprouting grains. If you let your five sense organs run loose, not only will the five desires become boundless, they will be uncontrollable. They are like a violent horse unrestrained by reins who drags a person along so that he falls into a pit. If you are robbed or injured you will suffer for a single life, but the injury from the plundering done by the five sense organs brings misfortunes which extend for many lives. Because their harm is extremely heavy, it is impermissable to be careless. For this reason wise people restrain the five sense organs and do not go along with them. They restrain them like thieves who are not allowed to run loose. If you let them run loose for a while, before long you will observe their destruction.

(佛遺教經 -6)
汝等比丘。已能住戒當制五根。勿令放逸入於五欲。 譬如牧牛之人執杖視之。不令縱逸犯人苗稼。若縱五根。非唯五欲將無崖畔不可制也。亦如惡馬不以轡制。將當牽人墜於坑陷。如被劫賊苦止一世。五根賊禍殃及累世。為害甚重。不可不慎。是故智者制而不隨。持之如賊不令縱逸。假令縱之。皆亦不久見其磨滅。

