Linw jiaxee bikiu, narr u langg beh qra linw jit jad jit jad ced dng, linw simqnuax diyhh kongwjer hro hyw, m tangx kiw uanwhun, cuir iarr diyhh qor hro hyw, m tangx qongw pnaiw tniax ue. Narr vangr quwjai simx siurkir, dyrr e gai diyc qaqi siudy, qongdig sitlyc. Zimxziok si dikhing, cisiuw qaiwlut iacc koxhingg longxx qapp ix be viw .did. Erdangr zimxziok :ee tangx qra qiyr jyr u ligliong ee dairsu. Narr berdangr hnuahiw zimxziok, qra okdok ee jiuwme knuar jyr naxx decc limx qamdnix ee lorjuiw, berdangr qiyr jyr zip Dy u diwhui :ee. Simxmih enqor? Siurkir jywjniaa ee sionghai e pywhuai soxu senrhuad, pacpnaiw hyw miasniax. Qimser qapp au sxer ee langg longxx byy air knuar diyc ix. Qaidongx jaix hunwlo ee simx viw bingw huew kacc lirhai, diyhh vutsii dniudii, m tangx hro ix zip .laii. Cniuxqiab qongdig ee cadqow, siurkir vaii derr id. Vig'ix sriu iogbong inxiuw, byy huatdo jurgnow kongwjer, ix siurkir iaxx erdangr virr liongrjingg. Cutqex siuhing byy iogbong ee langg suacc qra hunwlo moh diauu lehh, jex dyrr jiokk m tangx. Dyrr kyxviw cingliangg ee hunn-diongx byy ingwqaix e dann luii qapp nar sicnar qangrkuanw.
All of you Bhikshus, if a person dismembered you piece by piece your mind should be self-contained. Do not allow yourself to become angry. Moreover, you should guard your mouth and not give rise to evil speech. If you allow yourself to have thoughts of anger, you will hinder your own Way, and lose the merit and virtue you have gained. Patience is a virtue which neither upholding the precepts nor the ascetic practises are able to compare with. One who is able to practise patience can be called a great person who has strength; if you are unable to happily and patiently undergo the poison of malicious abuse, as if drinking sweet dew, you cannot be called a wise person who has entered the Way. Why is this? The harm from anger ruins all good dharmas and destroys one's good reputation. People of the present and of the future will not even wish to see this person. You should know that a heart of anger is worse than a fierce fire. You should always guard against it, and not allow it to enter you, for of the thieves which rob one's merit and virtue, none surpasses anger. Anger may be excusable in lay people who indulge in desires, and in people who do not cultivate the Way, who are without the means to restrain themselves, but for people who have left the home-life, who cultivate the Way and are without desires, harboring anger is impermissable. Within a clear, cool cloud, there should not be a sudden blazing clash of thunder.
(佛遺教經 -10)
汝等比丘。若有人來節節支解。當自攝心無令瞋恨。 亦當護口勿出惡言。若縱恚心則自妨道失功德利。忍之為德持戒苦行所不能及。能行忍者乃可名為有力大人。若其不能歡喜忍受惡罵之毒如飲甘露者。不名入道智慧人也。 所以者何。瞋恚之害能破諸善法壞好名聞。今世後世人不憙見。 當知瞋心甚於猛火。常當防護無令得入。劫功德賊無過瞋恚。白衣受欲非行道人。無法自制。瞋猶可恕。出家行道無欲之人。而懷瞋恚甚不可也。譬如清冷雲中霹靂起火非所應也。
汝等比丘。若有人來節節支解。當自攝心無令瞋恨。 亦當護口勿出惡言。若縱恚心則自妨道失功德利。忍之為德持戒苦行所不能及。能行忍者乃可名為有力大人。若其不能歡喜忍受惡罵之毒如飲甘露者。不名入道智慧人也。 所以者何。瞋恚之害能破諸善法壞好名聞。今世後世人不憙見。 當知瞋心甚於猛火。常當防護無令得入。劫功德賊無過瞋恚。白衣受欲非行道人。無法自制。瞋猶可恕。出家行道無欲之人。而懷瞋恚甚不可也。譬如清冷雲中霹靂起火非所應也。