Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-61)
(Cid) Ngiaa .quer
61. Miaa
Sniaw ngiaa quer itcer,
Byy sniaw tangx ngiaa quer ix?
Si simxmic,
Itcer longxx sriok ix decc kongwjer?"
"Miaa ngiaa quer itcer,
Byy sniaw tangx ngiaa quer ix.
Si miaa,
Itcer longxx sriok ix decc kongwjer."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-61)
VII. Weighed Down
61. Name
“What has weighed down everything?
What is most extensive?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?”
“Name has weighed down everything;
Nothing is more extensive than name.
Name is the one thing that has
All under its control.”
(相應部 1-1-61)
第七 勝品
何者勝一切 無有勝此者
以何之一法 一切所從屬
名為勝一切 無有勝名者
以名之一法 一切所從屬
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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