
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-60)

60. Six
"Janwbiw-six si sniaw decc qra tner lehh?
Ix ee viauqir si sniaw?
Janwbiw-six ixx sniaw jyr uaxping?
Sniaw si jimgensix soxx druar ee cur?"

"Zirun qra janwbiw-six tner lehh.
Bunzi si ix ee viauqir.
Janwbiw-siw ixx miaa juer uaxping.
Sizinn si ix soxx druar ee cur."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-60)
60. Poetry
“What is the scaffolding of verses?
What constitutes their phrasing?
On what base do verses rest?
What is the abode where verses dwell?” 

“Metre is the scaffolding of verses;
Syllables constitute their phrasing;
Verses rest on a base of names;
The poet is the abode where verses dwell.”

(相應部 1-1-60)
何物偈頌因     何為其標記
偈頌依何物     何物偈住家
韻為偈頌因     文字其標記
偈頌依題名     詩人此住家

