Linw jiaxee bikiu, diyhh syx qaqi ee tauu. Linw kiwkiyh jngtna, cing sowbin ee snxax, pongw vxuah qiukid tangx hyw doruac. Linw zucuw knuawtai qaqi. Narr kiw qiautauu diyhh qinw kiwsag. Sewsiok ee vik'ix dy' m tangx qejingx qiautauu, hongwqiamx cutqex zip Dy ee langg. Uirr beh qaixtuad, linw diyhh qiukid laii diaux linw ee simx.
All of you Bhikshus, you should rub your heads for you have relinguished fine adornments, you wear the garments of a Buddhist monk, and you carry the alms bowl to use in begging for your livelihood; look at yourself in this way. If thoughts of arrogance arise you should quickly destroy them, because the increase of arrogance is not appropriate even among the customs of lay people, how much the less for a person who has left the home-life and entered the Way. For the sake of liberation, you should humble yourself and practice begging for food.
(佛遺教經 -11)
汝等比丘。當自摩頭。已捨飾好著壞色衣。執持應器以乞自活。自見如是。若起憍慢當疾滅之。 謂長憍慢尚非世俗白衣所宜。何況出家入道之人。為解脫故自降其心而行乞耶。
汝等比丘。當自摩頭。已捨飾好著壞色衣。執持應器以乞自活。自見如是。若起憍慢當疾滅之。 謂長憍慢尚非世俗白衣所宜。何況出家入道之人。為解脫故自降其心而行乞耶。