
Shurangama Qingx (id-2)

Hitt jun, Prasenajit Qok'ongg anvaii caiwdyh qra inx laurve juewqi, iaucniaw Vuddyy laii ongqiongx, cinsinx kir qionggingg Zulaii. Ix set'enn cuanvan pongpair ee liaurliw, qewqer byy der viw ee hyw jubi, qycc cinsnix cutcniaw jiongww dua posad. Sniaa-lai qycc u diongxjiaw qapp qusu qang sijun iarr cuann vngrcair laii hro jingdoo, tingwhau Vuddyy laii ee sii tangx qra cik'ingr. Vuddyy huanhur Manjushri cepair posad qapp arhat jiapsiu qokk qiongjaix juxlangqax ee kuanxtai. Dandanx Ananda jinwjingg sriu vadd langg iaucniaw, cutgua iauxx bue dywdngw, byy sngr jairgiac. Byy lau juqeh ee bikiu iacc Acharya qapp ix jywhuew, dirr dngw .kir ee lo nirr, Ananda dandok jit langg, hitt zit iauxx byy sriu qiongqib. Hitt sii, ix tec vxuah dirr soxx qnia'iuu ee sniaa en' lo kithuar, simdiongx anwsngr juewau hitt xee sijuw dyrr sriu ix qiongjaix, m quanw si cingkir iacc lacsab, kshatriya junquir miasnir iacc chandala jenrbinn, ix duiww inx vnivnii juvix, byy qingw vibii quiwjen, huatsimx beh singjiu itcer jiongwsingx buliong qongdig. Ananda jai'ngiaw Zulaii Sewjunx jikvi Subhuti qapp Mahakashyapa, qongw inx jyr arhat, simx byy vingdingw. Ix giongxbong Zulaii kuitiah byy pensux laii dorhuar jiongwsingx, tangx benw kir giaugii qapp huixvongr. Ix qingquer sniadii, knuax knuax aw qniaa quer sniamngg, jonggiamm ee uigii, jingrsiog junsiuw jaiqair ee dingrhuad. Hitt jun, Ananda in'ui jiauww cuwsu kithuar, qingquer jit qingx imluan ee cur,  jygu diyc Matangi ee jaboxqniaw iong hihuar siasut, iong Kapila, Brahma Tnix ee jiuwgiw, qra ix snriaa zip imlok ee vangqingx, qycc qniaa imhing qra ix bongsydni, qaur qaxx qiongbeh huixhuai ix siuw qaiwlut ee sintew.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 1 --2)
On the day of mourning, King Prasenajit, for the sake of his father, the former king, arranged a vegetarian feast and invited the Buddha to the side rooms of the palace.  He welcomed the Tathágata with a vast array of superb delicacies of unsurpassed, wonderful flavors and himself invited the Great Bodhisattvas, as well. Elders and laypeople of the city were also prepared to provide meals for the Sangha at the same time, and they stood waiting for the Buddha to come and receive offerings. The Buddha commanded Manjushri to assign the Bodhisattvas and Arhats to receive offerings from the various vegetarian hosts. Only Ánanda, who had traveled far to accept a special invitation earlier, and had not yet returned, was late for the apportioning of the Sangha.  No senior Bhikshu or Acharya was with him, and so he was returning alone on the road. On that day Ánanda had received no offerings, and so at the appropriate time he took up his alms bowl and, as he traveled through the city, received alms in sequential order. As he set out to receive alms from the first to the last donors, his vegetarian hosts, he thought not to question whether they were pure or impure; whether they were kshatriyas of honorable name or chandalas.  While practicing equality and compassion he would not select merely the lowly but was determined to perfect all beings’ limitless merit and virtue. Ánanda was aware that the Tathágata, the World Honored One, had admonished Subhuti and Mahakashyapa for being Arhats whose minds were not fair and equal.  He revered the Tathágata’s instructions on impartiality for saving everyone from doubt and slander. Having crossed the city moat; he walked slowly through the outer gates, his manner stern and proper as he strictly respected the rules for obtaining vegetarian food. At that time, because Ánanda was receiving alms in sequential order, he passed by a house of prostitution and was waylaid by a powerful artifice.  On the strength of Kapila’s mantra, which came from the Brahma Heaven, the daughter of Matangi drew him onto an impure mat. With her licentious body she caressed him until he was on the verge of destroying the precept-substance.

時波斯匿王為其父王諱日營齋。請佛宮掖自迎如來。廣設珍羞無上妙味。兼復親延諸大菩薩。城中復有長者居士。同時飯僧佇佛來應。佛勅文殊分領菩薩及阿羅漢應諸齋主。 唯有阿難先受別請。遠遊未還不遑僧次。既無上座及阿闍黎。途中獨歸其日無供。即時阿難執持應器。於所遊城次第循乞。心中初求最後檀越以為齋主。無問淨穢剎利尊姓及旃陀羅。方行等慈不擇微賤。發意圓成一切眾生無量功德。阿難已知如來世尊。訶須菩提及大迦葉。為阿羅漢心不均平。欽仰如來開闡無遮度諸疑謗。經彼城隍徐步郭門。嚴整威儀肅恭齋法。爾時阿難因乞食次經歷婬室。遭大幻術摩登伽女。以娑毘迦羅先梵天呪攝入婬席。婬躬撫摩將毀戒體。

