(bibiau ee siuhing byy jipsiuw zimrhyy mic)
"Qycjaiww qongw, Subhuti, posad dirr Hxuad, qaidongx byy jipsiuw zimrhyy mic laii vowsix. Soxui byy jipsiuw guarkuanw laii vowsix, iarr byy jipsiuw imsniax, pangbi, kiwbi, bongkap, iacc henrsiong laii vowsix. Subhuti, posad qaidongx zucuw vowsix, byy jipsiuw siongwtew. Anwjnuaw qongw? Narr posad byy jipsiuw siongwtew laii vowsix, ix ee hokkir qapp dikhing byy huatdo iwsniu qapp cuiliong. Subhuti, liw anwjnuaw sniu? Danghngx hukongx tangx iwsniu qapp cuiliong bor?"
"Byy huatdo, Sewjunx!"
"Subhuti, lamm, sex, vag, siwhngx, iacc dingxe hukongx tangx iwsniu qapp cuiliong bor?"
"Byy huatdo, Sewjunx!"
"Subhuti, posad byy jipsiuw zimrhyy mic laii vowsix, hokkir qapp dikhing iarr qangrkuanw byy huatdo iwsniu qapp cuiliong. Subhuti, posad qaidongx jiauww soxx qar :ee kir cisiuw."(The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra -- Wonderful practice is to not rely on anything, four)
"Moreover, Subhuti, as to dharmas, a Bodhisattva should not rely on anything when giving. That is to say, when giving, he should neither rely on forms, nor sounds, smells, tastes, tangible objects or dharmas. Subhuti, a Bodhisattva should give thus: he should not rely on appearances. Why? If a Bodhisattva does not rely on appearances when giving, his blessings and virtues are inconceivable and immeasurable.
"Subhuti, what do you think, is space in the east conceivable or measurable?"
"No World Honored One."
"Subhuti, is space in the south, west, north, or in the intermediate directions, above or below conceivable or measurable?"
"No, World Honored One."
"Subhuti, the blessings and virtues of a Bodhisattva who does not rely on appearances when giving, are just as inconceivable and immeasurable. Subhuti, a Bodhisattva should rely only on the teachings."
"No, World Honored One."
"Subhuti, the blessings and virtues of a Bodhisattva who does not rely on appearances when giving, are just as inconceivable and immeasurable. Subhuti, a Bodhisattva should rely only on the teachings."
(金剛般若波羅密經 -- 妙行無住分第四)