"Subhuti, liw ee iwsur sniaw kuanw? Tangx ixx siongwtew laii qnir diyc Zulaii bor?"
"Berdangr, Sewjunx! Berdangr ixx siongwtew laii qnir diyc Zulaii. Sniaxmih enqor? Zulaii soxx qongw ee siongwtew m si siongwtew."
Vuddyy qra Subhuti qongw, "Soxu siongwtew longxx si kangx kangx byngiaw :ee. Narr knuar cingcyw soxu siongwtew m si siongwtew, dyrr tangx qnir diyc Zulaii."(The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra -- Genuine discernment of the principle of suchness, five)
"Subhuti, what do you think, is it possible to see the Thus Come One in his physical appearances?"
(金剛般若波羅密經 -- 如理實見分第五)
"Subhuti, what do you think, is it possible to see the Thus Come One in his physical appearances?"
"No World Honored One, it is not possible to see Thus Come One in his physical appearances. Why? Because the physical appearances mentioned by the Thus Come One are not physical appearances."
The Buddha said to Subhuti, "All appearances are empty and false. If one sees all appearances as no appearances, then one sees the Thus Come One."
(金剛般若波羅密經 -- 如理實見分第五)