
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-qauw-11)

“Qycc u, Siongsiongg Jingjinr! Narr senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau siurcii jitt vxo qingx :ee, bylun siongrtog, amwliam, qaixsueh, iacc causiaw, tangx did diyc jit-cingx nng-vah jiongw ir ee qongdig. Ixx jitt hy cingjing ee ir-qinx, simrjiww dna' tniax diyc jit siuw jimgensix iacc jit qxur, ix dyrr tangx tongdat buliong buvenx ee girliw. 

Liauxqaiw jiaxee girliw liauxau, ix erdangr enxsuad jit qxur iacc jit siuw jimgensix, lensuar jit qywguec, sir qywguec, simrjiww jit nii, soxu ix soxx enxsuad ee vudhuad longxx jiauww girli, longxx ham’ sidsiongr byy uivue. 

Narr enxsuad sewsiok ee qingceh, bylun dirser ee gixgenn iacc tanwjnii ee surgiap dringw, ix longxx e jiauww jingwdongx ee honghuad. Samcenx daircenx sewqair lak jiongw jiongwsingx, inx simx soxx sniu, simx ee venwhuar, qapp simlai ee bongrsiongw, ix longxx jaix. Suizenn iauxx bue did diyc byy lrau ee diwhui, mrqycc ix ee ir-qinx si jiacnirr cingjing. 

Jitt xee langg u soxx sukyw, soxx diucig, qapp soxx qongw :ee longxx si vudhuad, byy jit hxang byy jinsit, iarr dyrr si jinwjingg vut dirr qingx-diongx soxx qongw :ee.” 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 11)

“Furthermore, O Satatasamitābhiyukta, a son or a daughter of a virtuous family who preserves, recites, explains, or copies this sutra, after the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata will attain twelve hundred qualities of the mind. Through their pure faculty of mind, on hearing but a single verse or a single line, they will become versed in the immeasurable and limitless meaning. 

“If, after having understood this meaning, they teach a single line or a single verse for the period of one month, four months, or one year, all the teachings they expound will be entirely characterized by the mark of truth, in accordance with its meaning. 

“If they teach the works on worldly affairs, treatises on political science or enterprise, all these will be in harmony with the True Dharma. They will completely know the minds of those sentient beings who pass through the six transmigratory states in the great manifold cosmos—their workings, shifts, and fallacies—even though they have not yet attained the uncorrupted wisdom. Their faculty of mind will be pure just like this. 

“Whatever this person contemplates, judges, or expounds will be nothing but the True Buddha-Dharma, which has also been taught in the sutras by previous buddhas.” 

(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之11)

復次常精進。若善男子善女人。如來滅後受持是經。 若讀若誦若解說若書寫。得千二百意功德。以是清淨意根。乃至聞一偈一句。通達無量無邊之義。解是義已。能演說一句一偈。至於一月四月乃至一歲。諸所說法隨其義趣。皆與實相不相違背。若說俗間經書。治世語言資生業等。皆順正法。三千大千世界六趣眾生。心之所行。心所動作。心所戲論。皆悉知之。雖未得無漏智慧。而其意根清淨如此。是人有所思惟籌量言說。皆是佛法無不真實。亦是先佛經中所說。

