
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-2)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Quewkir u jit xui vut 

Qiyr jyr Uiimx Ongg 

Sintongx qapp diwhui buliong 

E inxdy itcer jiongwsingx 

Siurr tenzinn, langg, ling’ongg, qapp sinn 

Soxx qiongrdongg qiong’iongw 

Jitt xui vut beddo liauxau 

Vudhuad beh jin ee sii 

U jit xee posad 

Qiyr jyr Ingxuanw be Kinsi Langg'

Hitt sii jerje sir jiongw derjuw 

Duiww Hxuad ee qenwqaiw u jipdiok 

Be Kinsi Langg' Posad 

Jen’ongw kir inx hiax 

Qra inx qongw: 

Guaw be kinsi linw 

Linw u decc siuhing 

Longxx e jniaa jyr vut 

Hiaxee langg tniax .diyc 

Qra kinsi, huixvongr, ziogme 

Be Kinsi Langg' Posad 

Erdangr zimxsiu 

Juergiap siauduu liauw 

Limjiongx ee sii 

Tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx 

Lak qinx cingjing 

U sintongx lat ee enqor 

Siursor jingqax 

Qycc uirr jerje langg 

Jit siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Jiaxee jipdiok Hxuad ee dairjiongr 

Longxx did diyc posad ee qauwhuar 

U singjiu 

Laii diamr dirr vuddy 

Be Kinsi Langg' ee sniwmia qetsog liauxau 

Duw diyc busor vut 

In'ui enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Did diyc buliong ee hokvyr 

Jiamrjiam u qongdig 

Jin' qinw singjiu vuddy 

Hitt sii ee Be Kinsi Langg' 

Dyrr si guaw ee jensinx 

Hitt sii ee sir jiongw derjuw 

Jipdiok Hxuad :ee 

Tniax diyc Be Kinsi Langg' qongw: 

Liw tangx jniaa jyr vut 

In’ui jitt xee inenn 

Duw diyc busor vut 

Jitt xee huathue lairdew 

Go-vah xee posad 

Sir jiongw derjuw 

Qapp senrlamm sinwluw 

Jitmaw dirr guaw binrjingg 

Tniax Hxuad :ee dyrr si 

Guaw dirr jingg sxer 

Koxkngr jiaxee langg 

Tniax qapp niaxsiu jitt vxo qingx 

Derr id bibiau ee Hxuad 

Tangx kaisi qapp qauwhuar langg' 

Hro ix diamr dirr liappuann 

Singsingx-sewser siurcii 

Jitt vxo qingdenw 

Ik'ikban qiab 

Qaur vutkyw-sugi 

Hitt sii jiacc tangx tniax diyc 

Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx 

Ik'ikban qiab 

Qaur vutkyw-sugi 

Jerje Vut Sewjunx 

Hitt sii jiacc enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Soxiw siuhing :ee 

Dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau 

Tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx 

M tangx snix cud gihik 

Ingdongx itsimx 

Siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Tangx singsingx-sewser duw diyc vut 

Jin' qinw singjiu vuddy 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XX Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta 2)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

In the past there was a buddha 

Called Bhīṣmagarjitasvararāja. 

He had immeasurable transcendent powers, 

Led and guided all sentient beings, 

And was paid homage by devas, humans, and nāgas. 

After the parinirvāṇa of this buddha, 

When the True Dharma faced extinction, 

There was a bodhisattva called Sadāparibhūta. 

At that time the fourfold assembly 

Was becoming attached 

To its own interpretation of the Dharma. 

Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta 

Would approach them and say: 

I do not belittle you; 

Practice the path 

And you will all become buddhas. 

After hearing this, 

All the people insulted and disparaged him; 

But Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta Patiently bore this.

As he neared the time of his death, 

When he had expiated his past errors, 

He was able to hear this sutra, 

And his six sense faculties became pure. 

Through his transcendent powers 

He prolonged his life 

And explained this sutra far and wide, 

Acting, once again, for the benefit of others. 

Those who were attached 

To their own interpretations of the Dharma 

Were led and inspired by this bodhisattva 

And were enabled to abide 

Within the buddha path. 

After the end of his life, 

Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta 

Met innumerable buddhas. 

Because he explained this sutra, 

He attained immeasurable happiness. 

Gradually accumulating his merits, 

He quickly attained the buddha path. 

The Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta of that time 

Was none other than I. 

Because the fourfold assembly, 

Which was then attached to 

Particular aspects of the Dharma, 

Heard Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta say: 

You will all become buddhas, 

They have since met innumerable buddhas. 

Those people are none other 

Than the five hundred bodhisattvas 

And laymen and laywomen of pure belief 

Who are now gathered before me 

In this assembly to hear the Dharma. 

In my previous lives I taught them 

And led them to hear and accept this sutra, 

Which is the ultimate Dharma. 

I revealed it and taught it to others, 

And caused them to abide in nirvana. 

Throughout many lifetimes they preserved and kept 

A sutra such as this. 

Only after myriads of koṭis of koṭis 

Of kalpas have passed, 

A time inconceivable, 

Can they hear this Lotus Sutra. 

Only after myriads of koṭis of koṭis 

Of kalpas have passed, 

A time inconceivable, 

Do the Buddha Bhagavats 

Expound this sutra. 

For this reason, all you practitioners 

Who hear this sutra 

After the nirvana of the Buddha 

Should feel no doubt about it. 

You must wholeheartedly 

Expound this sutra far and wide. 

You will then meet the buddhas lifetime after lifetime 

And quickly attain the buddha path. 

(妙法蓮華經第二十品 常不輕菩薩之2)


 過去有佛  號威音王  神智無量

 將導一切  天人龍神  所共供養

 是佛滅後  法欲盡時  有一菩薩

 名常不輕  時諸四眾  計著於法

 不輕菩薩  往到其所  而語之言

 我不輕汝  汝等行道  皆當作佛

 諸人聞已  輕毀罵詈  不輕菩薩

 能忍受之  其罪畢已  臨命終時

 得聞此經  六根清淨  神通力故

 增益壽命  復為諸人  廣說是經

 諸著法眾  皆蒙菩薩  教化成就

 令住佛道  不輕命終  值無數佛

 說是經故  得無量福  漸具功德

 疾成佛道  彼時不輕  則我身是

 時四部眾  著法之者  聞不輕言

 汝當作佛  以是因緣  值無數佛

 此會菩薩  五百之眾  并及四部

 清信士女  今於我前  聽法者是

 我於前世  勸是諸人  聽受斯經

 第一之法  開示教人  令住涅槃

 世世受持  如是經典  億億萬劫

 至不可議  時乃得聞  是法華經

 億億萬劫  至不可議  諸佛世尊

 時說是經  是故行者  於佛滅後

 聞如是經  勿生疑惑  應當一心

 廣說此經  世世值佛  疾成佛道

