
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-veh-3)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Narr u langg dirr huathue 

Tniax diyc jitt vxo qingdenw 

Simrjiww dna’ jit siuw jimgensix 

Duer lecc hnuahiw duiww vadd langg enxsuad 

Zucuw denxjuanw decc tuansiu 

Qaur derr go-jap xee 

Juewau hitt xee langg did .diyc ee hokvyr 

Jitmaw beh hunved suecbingg 

Cincniu u dua sijuw 

Qiongqib hro buliong ee dairjiongr 

Muaw veh-jap nii 

Jiauww inx soxx air :ee hro inx 

Knuar diyc inx iurr lau iurr sueziok 

Taujangx vec qycc bin ziauu 

Cuiwkiw lag qycc guarmau qodaa 

Ix dyrr sniu qongxx: Inx byy zuarr quw e siw 

Guaw dnaxx ingqaix qar .inx 

Hro inx singjingwqyw 

Dyrr iong quangii hongven enxsuad 

Liappuann jinsit ee Hxuad: 

Sewqanx longxx byy qenqor 

Cincniu juixpec qapp iam huew 

Linw diyhh ingdongx 

Qnuaxqinw snix cud iamwlii ee simx *

Jiaxx langg tniax diyc jitt hy qauwhuad 

Longxx did diyc arhat 

U lak jiongw sintongx 

Snax jiongw bingtongx qapp veh jiongw qaixtuad 

Juewau derr go-jap xee 

Tniax diyc jit siuw jimgensix duer lecc hnuahiw 

Jitt xee langg ee hokvyr kacc ngiaa quer dua sijuw

Byy huatdo jyr piwzu 

Zucuw denxjuanw tniax .diyc 

Hokvyr dyrr buliong 

Hyhongr dirr huathue 

Cocox tniax .diyc duer lecc hnuahiw :ee 

Narr u krngr jit xee langg 

Qra ix inxdy kir tniax Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx 

Qongw jitt vxo qingx cim’yr qycc bibiau 

Cenban qiab yh duw 

Hitt xee langg u siurqar jen’ongw kir tniax 

Simrjiww dna' tniax jit diap quw 

Krngr langg' hitt xee ee hokvyr 

Jitmaw beh hunved suecbingg: 

Ix singsingx-sewser byy cuir ee vnirtniar 

Cuiwkiw be lic .kuix, be ngg, be ox 

Cuiwdunn be qau be moh be kih 

Byy hro langg' pnaiw iwsinn ee siongwmau 

Cuiwjic be dax, be ox, be dew 

Pni quann, dngg, qycc dit 

Hiac kuah qycc siwjniar 

Binrbak longxx duanjniar qycc jonggiamm 

Knuar diyc ix :ee longxx jin' hnuahiw 

Cuir byy cud caur bi 

U udumbara-huex ee pangbi 

Qingsiongg an’ ix ee cuir cud .laii 

Narr u jen’ongw jingdoo ee sirngi 

Uirdiyhh beh tniax Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx 

Jit diap quw tniax .diyc snix cud hnuahiw 

Jitmaw beh qongw ix ee hokvyr: 

Ixau e cutsir dirr tenzinn iacc langg lairdew 

Did diyc bibiau ee cnxiu, bew, ciax 

Dinvyw jyr ee qiy 

Qapp jre e vuex ee qiongden 

Narr dirr suathuad ee soxjai 

Krngr langg’ jre lecc tniax qingx 

In'ui jitt xee hokvyr 

Tangx qaur Sakra, Brahma, iacc dngw lenw ongg ee vyxjy 

Hyhongr itsimx tniax 

Qaixsueh qidiongx ee ywgi 

Jiauww enxsuad :ee kir siuhing 

Jitt hy hokvyr byy hanrliong 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVIII The Merits of Joyful Acceptance 3)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If anyone hears this sutra 

In the Dharma assembly, 

And joyfully teaches others 

Even a single verse, 

And if in this way it is taught from one person 

To another until it reaches the fiftieth one, 

The merit that this last person will attain 

Shall be as I will now explain: 

Suppose there were a great donor 

Who gave things to an immeasurable number 

Of people as they wished 

For a full eighty years. 

He will see that they are old and feeble, 

With white hair and wrinkled faces, 

With gaps between their teeth and withered bodies, 

And that they will die before long. 

He will think that he should now 

Teach them and enable them 

To attain the fruits 

Of the buddha path. 

He will teach nirvana, the True Dharma, 

Through skillful means, saying: 

The world is impermanent 

Like splashes of water, bubbles, a mirage! 

The feeling of repulsion for it 

Should quickly awaken in you! 

All of them, hearing this teaching, 

Attain arhatship and perfect 

the six transcendent powers, the three sciences, 

And the eight liberations. 

The merit of the fiftieth person 

Who joyfully hears a single verse 

Is so much greater than this great donor’s 

That it is beyond illustration. 

The merit of those who successively hear 

The Lotus Sutra in this way is immeasurable. 

How much more is the merit of the first person 

Who heard it with joy amid the Dharma assembly! 

If there is a person who moves another 

To listen to the Lotus Sutra, saying: 

This sutra is profound and difficult to encounter 

Even in thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. 

And if this person’s urging is accepted 

And the other one goes to hear it 

And listens for a single moment, 

The merit that the former person will acquire 

Shall be as I will now explain: 

Life after life they will have 

No diseases of the mouth. 

Their teeth will have no gaps, 

Nor be yellow or black. 

Their lips will be neither fat, thick, 

Or thin; nor will they ever have 

A disagreeable countenance; 

And their tongues will never be 

Dry, black, or short. 

Their noses will be high, long, and straight. 

Their foreheads will be broad and even. 

Their faces will be completely handsome, 

Pleasing to others who see them. 

They will never have fetid breath. 

And their mouths will always emit 

The fragrance of a blue lotus flower. 

I will now explain the merit 

Of the one who approaches the monastery 

Wanting to hear the Lotus Sutra, 

And who joyfully listens to it 

Even for a single moment: 

Later they will be born among devas and humans 

And will acquire beautiful elephant and horse carts, 

And palanquins made out of rare treasures, 

And will ride on a heavenly vehicle. 

If one is where the Dharma is taught 

And invites another to sit there 

And listen to the sutra, 

Through the merit which is thus acquired, 

One will attain the seats of Śakra, 

Brahma, or the noble emperors. 

How much more is the merit of a person 

Who singlemindedly listens to this sutra, 

Explains its meaning, and practices 

In accordance with its teaching! 

Their merit will thus be limitless.

(妙法蓮華經第十八品 隨喜功德之3)


 若人於法會  得聞是經典

 乃至於一偈  隨喜為他說

 如是展轉教  至于第五十

 最後人獲福  今當分別之

 如有大施主  供給無量眾

 具滿八十歲  隨意之所欲

 見彼衰老相  髮白而面皺

 齒踈形枯竭  念其死不久

 我今應當教  令得於道果

 即為方便說  涅槃真實法

 世皆不牢固  如水沫泡焰

 汝等咸應當  疾生厭離心

 諸人聞是法  皆得阿羅漢

 具足六神通  三明八解脫

 最後第五十  聞一偈隨喜

 是人福勝彼  不可為譬喻

 如是展轉聞  其福尚無量

 何況於法會  初聞隨喜者

 若有勸一人  將引聽法華

 言此經深妙  千萬劫難遇

 即受教往聽  乃至須臾聞

 斯人之福報  今當分別說

 世世無口患  齒不踈黃黑

 脣不厚褰缺  無有可惡相

 舌不乾黑短  鼻高修且直

 額廣而平正  面目悉端嚴

 為人所喜見  口氣無臭穢

 優鉢華之香  常從其口出

 若故詣僧坊  欲聽法華經

 須臾聞歡喜  今當說其福

 後生天人中  得妙象馬車

 珍寶之輦輿  及乘天宮殿

 若於講法處  勸人坐聽經

 是福因緣得  釋梵轉輪座

 何況一心聽  解說其義趣

 如說而修行  其福不可量

