“Qycc u, Siongsiongg Jingjinr! Narr senrlamjuw iacc serluxzinn siurcii jitt vxo qingx, bylun togsing, amwliam, qaixsueh, iacc causiaw, tangx did diyc veh-vah jiongw srinx ee qongdig. Did diyc cingjing ee sintew,cincniu cingjing ee liulii, jiongwsingx longxx hnuahiw knuar .diyc. In’ui ix ee sintew cingjing, samcenx daircenx sewqair ee jiongwsingx, bylun snix ee sii, siw ee sii, kir tnidingw iacc lyc dergak, suiw iacc baiw, cutsir hyw soxjai iacc pnaiw soxjai, longxx e dirr ix ee sinkux-dingw cuthen. Qycc u Cakravada(Tih Uii) Snuax, Mahacakravada(Dua Tih Uii) Snuax, Meru Snuax, qapp Mahameru Snuax dringw jerje snuax ixiqp qidiongx ee jiongwsingx longxx e dirr ix ee sinkux-dingw cuthen. Xe qaur Avici Dergak, dingw qaur U Dingw Tnix, soxu :ee qapp hiax ee jiongwsingx longxx e dirr ix ee sinxkux-dingw cuthen. Narr sniabunn, pratyekabuddha, posad, qapp jerje vut decc suathuad, inx ee hingtew longxx e dirr ix ee sinkux-dingw cuthen.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 9)
“Furthermore, O Satatasamitābhiyukta, those sons and daughters of a virtuous family who preserve, recite, explain, and copy this sutra will attain eight hundred qualities of the body. Their bodies will be as pure as clear lapis lazuli and sentient beings will gladly look upon them. Because of this purity of body, everything will appear therein: the sentient beings in the great manifold cosmos, when they are born or die, whether they are superior or inferior, whether they are fair or ugly, whether they are in the good or bad states of being. The mountain kings, such as Mount Cakravāḍa, Mount Mahācakravāḍa, Mount Meru, or Mount Mahāmeru, as well as all the sentient beings who dwell there, will all appear in their body. All those who dwell down as far as the lowest hell and up as high as the summit of the universe will appear in their body. Wherever those śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, or buddhas are, the buddhas teach the Dharma; and will appear with their physical images in their body.”
(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之9)
復次常精進。若善男子善女人。受持是經。若讀若誦若解說若書寫。得八百身功德。得清淨身如淨琉璃。眾生憙見。 其身淨故。三千大千世界眾生。生時死時上下好醜。生善處惡處。悉於中現。及鐵圍山。大鐵圍山。彌樓山。摩訶彌樓山等諸山。及其中眾生悉於中現。下至阿鼻地獄上至有頂。所有及眾生悉於中現。若聲聞辟支佛菩薩諸佛說法。皆於身中現其色像。