Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Jitt xee langg ee pni cingjing
Dirr jitt xee sewqair lairdew
Bylun pangx iacc caur ee mihqnia
Jiongxjiongw ix longxx pnri e diyc
Sumana-huex qapp jati-huex
Tamala-ciu qapp dnuahniucaa
Dimhniux qapp quiwhuex ee pangbi
Jiongxjiongw huex qapp quexjiw ee pangbi
Ixqip jiongwsingx ee bi
Javox qapp jabow ee bi
Suathuad :ee diamr dirr hng hng
Pnri e diyc bi qycc jaix soxjai
Dua sewlik ee dngw lenw ongg
Siyw sewlik ee dngw lenw ongg qapp ongjuw
Jiongww dairsinn qapp jiongww qiongzinn
Ix pnri e diyc inx ee bi qycc jaix soxjai
Dngw lenn ongg ee vyxvuer jaboxqniaw
Sinkux soxx qruar ee dinvyw
Qapp derha ee vyxkor
Ix pnri e diyc bi qycc jaix soxjai
Sui' langg sinkux ee jongsikpinw
Ihok qapp judui
Jiongxjiongw soxx buah ee panghunw
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr jaix si si'angw
Jiongww tenzinn bylun qniaa iacc je lehh
Decc sngw iacc sintongx venwhuar
Cisiuw jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee
Pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Jerje ciu qapp huex ee quexjiw
Qapp soiuu ee pangkuir
Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee dirr jiax
Longxx jaix inx dirr dyhh
Dirr jerje cimsnuax guihiamw ee soxjai
Dnuahniux kuix huex
Jiongwsingx dirr hitt lairdew
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Cakravada (Tih Uii) Snuax qapp duarhaiw
Ixqip liogde ee jiongwsingx
Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee pnri diyc bi
Longxx jaix inx ee soxjai
Asura ee lamluw
Qapp inx ee quanwsiok
Jingdor iacc decc sngw ee sii
Ix pnri diyc bi longxx jaix
Kongwiaw iacc hiamxair ee soxjai
Sraix, cnxiu, how, lxongg
Iaxguu qapp juixguu dringw
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr jaix soxjai
Narr u huanin :ee
Iaxx m jaix si javox iacc jabow
U langg-hxingg qapp byy langg-hxingg
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr jaix
In’ui pnri bi ee linglik
Ix jai'ngiaw duxjiacc huaiin :ee
E singqongx iacc be singqongx
E anlok snix u hog ee qniaw .be
In’ui pnri bi ee linglik
Ix jaix lamluw soxx sniu
Jaix inx u ziamw diyc iogbong, cigaii, qapp uanwhun
Iarr jaix si'angw si siulen senrhingg :ee
Derhai cangr ee vyxmic
Qimx, ginn, qapp jiongxjiongw dinvyw
Iong dangg ee kiwqu soxx drew :ee
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Jiongxjiongw judui
M jaix qewdat zuarr je
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr jaix quiwjen
Cutcur qapp dirr dyhh
Tnidingw qokk jiongw huex
Mandarava-huex qapp manjusaka-huex
Ixqip parijata-ciu
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Tnidingw soxu qiongden
Siong-diongx-ha ee caved
U qokk jiongw laii jonggiamm
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Tnidingw ee uanlimm qapp bixbiau ee qiongden
Qokk jiongw bixbiau ee denrdongg
Dirr lairdew golok :ee
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Jiongww tenzinn narr tniax Hxuad
Iacc hiangxsiu go jiongw iogbong ee sii
Laikir decc qniaa, jre lehh, iacc dyw lehh
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Tenluw soxx cing ee snxax
Iong hyw huex ee pnagbi jonggiamm
Sehkolinx cittyy ee sii
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Zucuw denxjuanw hiongr dingxquann
Simrjiww qaur Brahma ee sewqair
Zip sendnia iacc cud sendnia :ee
Pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Abhasvara(Qngx Imx) Tnix qapp Subhakrtsna(Venww Cingjing) Tnix
Simrjiww qaur U Dingw Tnix
Co’ cutsir qapp sueter beh juanxser :ee
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Jiongww bikiu
Dirr Hxuad siongsiongg jingjinr
Bylun jre lehh iacc qinghingg
Togsiong qingdenw
Iacc si dirr ciu-kax
Juansimx decc jersenn
Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee pnri diyc bi
Dyrr longxx jaix inx dirr dyhh
Posad iwjir qenqor
Jersenn iacc togsiong
Iacc uirr langg’ suathuad
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Dirr qokk soxjai ee Sewjunx
Virr itcer soxx qiongqingr
Linbinw jiongwsingx laii suathuad
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Jiongwsingx dirr vut binrjingg
Tniax diyc qingx longxx hnuahiw
Jiauww qauwhuad siuhing
Ix pnri diyc bi dyrr longxx jaix
Suizenn iauxx bue jniaa jyr posad
Dirr byy lrau qingxqair u pni ee sintongx
Mrqycc cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee
Singx did diyc jitt jiongw pni ee kuanxsid
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 6)
At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
Their faculty of smell is pure.
They can smell and discriminate
All kinds of good and bad odors
In this world, such as sumanas
And jāti flowers, tamāla leaves,
Sandalwood, aloeswood, and tagara trees,
And various fruits and flowers.
And they also know the fragrance
Of sentient beings, men and women.
The Dharma teachers, although dwelling afar,
Know where these fragrances come from.
They smell the scents of the noble emperors
Of great dignity, the lesser rulers
And their children, subjects and attendants,
And know where they are.
They can smell the fragrance of the rare jewels
That they wear, their underground treasuries,
And the noble emperor’s bejeweled queens,
And also know where they are.
They can also smell the ornaments, garments,
And necklaces with which people adorn themselves
And the fragrances they anoint themselves with,
And know who wears them.
Those who preserve this Lotus Sutra can smell
The fragrance of the devas and tell
Whether they are walking, sitting,
Playing, or transforming themselves.
Although they dwell here,
Those who preserve this sutra,
Know the location of the fragrances
Of various flowers, fruits, and oils in detail.
They can smell the scent of sentient beings,
Either deep in dangerous mountains,
Or where the sandalwood flowers are in bloom,
And know where they are.
Those who preserve this sutra
Can smell the scents of sentient beings,
Either on Mount Cakravāḍa,
In the ocean or underground,
And know exactly where they are.
They can also smell the scents of the male
And female asuras and their attendants;
And they can discriminate them,
When they are fighting or when at play.
They can also smell the odors of lions,
Elephants, tigers, wolves, buffaloes,
And water buffaloes dwelling in dangerous
Precipitous places in the wilderness,
And know where they are.
They can smell and discriminate exactly
The scent of a pregnant woman
And determine whether the embryo
Will be male or female,
Without sex organs, or nonhuman.
Through this power of smell
They know in the first instance
If the woman is pregnant,
And whether or not
It will be carried to full term;
And if she will give birth easily,
And to a happy child.
Through this power of the faculty of smell
They know what men and women are thinking,
Their desires, delusions, and anger,
Or whether they cultivate goodness.
They can also smell gold, silver,
And various rare treasures hidden underground,
As well as the contents of copper vessels,
And completely distinguish them.
They can smell various necklaces
And know whether they are valuable or not,
Even when their prices are undetermined,
Where they come from and where they are now.
They can smell and know all about
Divine flowers such as māndārava
And mañjūṣaka flowers and pārijāta trees.
They can also smell and discriminate
The difference between superior,
Mediocre, and inferior fragrances
Of heavenly palaces adorned
With various jeweled flowers.
They can also smell and know exactly
About those who take pleasure
In the heavenly gardens, excellent palaces,
Towers and Dharma halls.
Moreover, they can smell and know exactly
Whether the devas are listening to the Dharma,
Are enjoying the desires of the five senses,
Or whether they are coming, going,
Walking, sitting, or lying.
They can also smell and know every detail of
The garments worn by the heavenly maidens,
Giving off the fragrance of beautiful flowers,
And where those maidens ramble in their play.
In this way their power of smell reaches
All the way up to the Brahma world.
They can smell and know exactly
The devas entering meditation and
Emerging from meditation.
They can also smell
All the way from the Ābhāsvara
And Śubhakṛtsna Heavens
Up to the highest summit of the universe,
And know exactly
Who has been born there for the first time
And who has emerged.
Those who preserve this sutra can
Smell the monks and know exactly where they are,
If they are constantly persevering toward the Dharma,
If they are either sitting or walking,
Reciting this sutra;
Or if they are diligently
Meditating under forest trees.
They can also smell and know exactly
If a bodhisattva is firm in intention,
Meditating or reciting the sutra,
Or teaching the Dharma to others.
They can also smell and know exactly
If the Bhagavat is being honored by all,
And if he is teaching the Dharma
Out of his compassion for sentient beings.
Moreover, they can smell and know exactly
If the sentient beings in the presence
Of the Buddha are joyfully listening
To the sutra, and are practicing
According to the Dharma.
Those who preserve this sutra
Will attain a faculty of smell such as this,
Even before the bodhisattva’s faculty of smell
That is attained from the incorruptible Dharma.
(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之6)
爾時世尊欲重宣此義。 而說偈言。
是人鼻清淨 於此世界中
若香若臭物 種種悉聞知
須曼那闍提 多摩羅栴檀
沈水及桂香 種種華菓香
及知眾生香 男子女人香
說法者遠住 聞香知所在
大勢轉輪王 小轉輪及子
群臣諸宮人 聞香知所在
身所著珍寶 及地中寶藏
轉輪王寶女 聞香知所在
諸人嚴身具 衣服及瓔珞
種種所塗香 聞香知其身
諸天若行坐 遊戲及神變
持是法華者 聞香悉能知
諸樹華菓實 及酥油香氣
持經者住此 悉知其所在
諸山深嶮處 栴檀樹花敷
眾生在中者 聞香皆能知
鐵圍山大海 地中諸眾生
持經者聞香 悉知其所在
阿修羅男女 及其諸眷屬
鬪諍遊戲時 聞香皆能知
曠野險隘處 師子象虎狼
野牛水牛等 聞香知所在
若有懷妊者 未辯其男女
無根及非人 聞香悉能知
以聞香力故 知其初懷妊
成就不成就 安樂產福子
以聞香力故 知男女所念
染欲癡恚心 亦知修善者
地中眾伏藏 金銀諸珍寶
銅器之所盛 聞香悉能知
種種諸瓔珞 無能識其價
聞香知貴賤 出處及所在
天上諸華等 曼陀曼殊沙
波利質多樹 聞香悉能知
天上諸宮殿 上中下差別
眾寶花莊嚴 聞香悉能知
天園林勝殿 諸觀妙法堂
在中而娛樂 聞香悉能知
諸天若聽法 或受五欲時
來往行坐臥 聞香悉能知
天女所著衣 好華香莊嚴
周旋遊戲時 聞香悉能知
如是展轉上 乃至於梵世
入禪出禪者 聞香悉能知
光音遍淨天 乃至于有頂
初生及退沒 聞香悉能知
諸比丘眾等 於法常精進
若坐若經行 及讀誦經法
或在林樹下 專精而坐禪
持經者聞香 悉知其所在
菩薩志堅固 坐禪若讀誦
或為人說法 聞香悉能知
在在方世尊 一切所恭敬
愍眾而說法 聞香悉能知
眾生在佛前 聞經皆歡喜
如法而修行 聞香悉能知
雖未得菩薩 無漏法生鼻
而是持經者 先得此鼻相