
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-id-2)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Jiongww vut qiur sewqanx 

Diamr dirr dua sintongx 

Uirr hro jiongwsingx kuaiwlok 

Henr buliong sintongx ee lat 

Cuiwjic qaur Brahma ee tnix 

Sinkux vangr cud busor qngx 

Uirr qriuu vuddy :ee 

Henr jiaxee hihanw ee su 

Jiongww vut qasaur ee sniax 

Qapp diak jingxtauu ee sniax 

Sibhongx qog jit siwqer longxx tniax e diyc

De longxx cuthen lak jiongw dinxdang 

In'ui dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau 

Inx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Jiongww vut longxx hnuahiw 

Henr buliong sintongx ee lat 

Uirr beh jiokhur jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Janwbiw u siurcii :ee 

Dirr buliong ee qiab  

Iarr berdangr qongw jin 

Jiaxee langg ee qongdig 

Buvenx byy qiongjin 

Cincniu sibhongx ee hukongx 

Berdangr qaur venqair 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Dyrr si ixqingx qnir diyc guaw 

Iarr qnir diyc Je Vyw Vut 

Qapp jerje hunsinx-vut 

Qycc knuar diyc guaw qimzit 

Qauwhuar jerje posad 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Hro guaw qapp hunsinx-vut 

Ixqip ixx beddo ee Je Vyw Vut 

Longxx hnuahiw 

Sibhongx henrjai ee vut 

Qapp quewkir ixqip birlaii ee vut 

Inx iarr tangx knuar .diyc iarr u qra qiong’iongw 

Iarr hro inx hnuahiw 

Jiongww vut jre dirr dyrdniuu 

Soxx did .diyc viwbit qapp diongriaur ee Hxuad 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Byy zuarr quw iarr tangx did .diyc 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Dirr jerje Hxuad ee ywgi 

Miazi qapp gensuu 

Hnuahiw enxsuad byy qiongjin 

Cincniu hongx dirr kongdiongx 

Itcer byy jiongwgai 

Dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau 

Jaix vut soxx enxsuad ee qingx 

In’enn qapp cuwde 

Jiauww girliw jiauww jinsit enxsuad 

Cincniu Zidguat ee qongbingg 

Tangx druu kir soxu oamr 

Jiaxee langg dirr sewqanx qniaa 

Tangx bet jiongwsingx ee guduu 

Qar buliong posad 

Vitqingr diamr dirr Itvudsingg 

Soxiw u diwhui :ee 

Tniax diyc jitt hy qongdig ee lirig 

Dirr guaw beddo liauxau

Ingqaix siurcii jitt vxo qingx

Jitt hy langg dirr vuddy

Juadduir byy gihik

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXI The Transcendent Powers of the Tathāgata 2)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

The buddhas, world-inspirers, 

Abiding in their great transcendent powers, 

Manifest this immeasurable power 

In order to gladden sentient beings. 

Their tongues reach up to the Brahma world 

And they emit innumerable rays of light 

From their bodies. 

They manifest this marvel 

For those who seek for the buddha path. 

The coughing and snapping sounds 

Of the buddhas are universally heard 

In the lands of the ten directions. 

The earth quakes in six ways. 

Because this sutra can be preserved 

After the nirvana of the Buddha, 

All the buddhas rejoice and manifest 

Their immeasurable transcendent powers. 

Even if, for immeasurable kalpas, 

They praise those who preserve this sutra, 

In order to entrust it, 

They will not reach the limit of their merit. 

The qualities of those people are 

Limitless and endless, 

Just like the boundless sky 

In the ten directions. 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Have already seen me, 

The Buddha Prabhūtaratna, 

And the various magically created forms; 

And today they see all the bodhisattvas 

I have led and inspired up until now. 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Will gladden me, my magically created forms, 

As well as the Buddha Prabhūtaratna 

Who has entered nirvana. 

They will also see, gladden, and pay homage to 

The past and future buddhas, and those who are present 

In the ten directions. 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Will before long attain the Dharma, 

The hidden essence, 

Which was attained by the buddhas 

Seated upon the terrace of enlightenment. 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Will explain the meaning of the Dharma, 

The names and phrases, joyfully and with undying vigor, 

Like the wind in the sky 

That has no obstruction whatsoever. 

After the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata, 

They will know the causes and conditions 

And the sequences of the sutras 

Taught by the Buddha, 

And will explain the truth 

In accordance with its meaning. 

As the light of the sun and moon 

Eliminates the darkness, 

These people practicing in the world 

Will extinguish the blindness of sentient beings, 

Teaching innumerable bodhisattvas 

To dwell ultimately in the single vehicle. 

For this reason, 

The wise, hearing of the benefits of these merits, 

Should preserve this sutra 

After my nirvana. 

Those people will be resolute and will 

Unwaveringly follow the buddha path.

(妙法蓮華經第二十一品 如來神力之2)


 諸佛救世者  住於大神通

 為悅眾生故  現無量神力

 舌相至梵天  身放無數光

 為求佛道者  現此希有事

 諸佛謦欬聲  及彈指之聲

 周聞十方國  地皆六種動

 以佛滅度後  能持是經故

 諸佛皆歡喜  現無量神力

 囑累是經故  讚美受持者

 於無量劫中  猶故不能盡

 是人之功德  無邊無有窮

 如十方虛空  不可得邊際

 能持是經者  則為已見我

 亦見多寶佛  及諸分身者

 又見我今日  教化諸菩薩

 能持是經者  令我及分身

 滅度多寶佛  一切皆歡喜

 十方現在佛  并過去未來

 亦見亦供養  亦令得歡喜

 諸佛坐道場  所得祕要法

 能持是經者  不久亦當得

 能持是經者  於諸法之義

 名字及言辭  樂說無窮盡

 如風於空中  一切無障礙

 於如來滅後  知佛所說經

 因緣及次第  隨義如實說

 如日月光明  能除諸幽冥

 斯人行世間  能滅眾生闇

 教無量菩薩  畢竟住一乘

 是故有智者  聞此功德利

 於我滅度後  應受持斯經

 是人於佛道  決定無有疑

