Qycc u, Siongsiongg Jingjinr! Narr senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn siurcii jitt vxo qingx, bylun togsiong, amwliam, qaixsueh, iacc causiaw, tangx did diyc jit-cingx nng-vah jiongw jic ee qongdig. Bylun hyw bi iacc baiw bi, dnix iacc byy dnix, ixqip jiongxjiongw koxsiap ee mic, he dirr cuiwjic, longxx venr jyr siongrdingw ee bi, cincniu tnidingw ee qamlo, byy jit hxang byy dnix. Narr iong jitt hy cuiwjic dirr dairjiongr lairdew enxsuad, cud cimbiau ee sniax tangx zip jingwlangg ee simx, hro inx longxx hnuahiw kuaiwlok.
Qycc ix narr decc enxsuad, jiauww cuwde huatviauw, jerje tenjuw, tenluw, Sakra, qapp Brahma jiaxee tenzinn tniax diyc jitt hy cimbiau ee imsniax, longxx e laii tniax. Qycc jerje ling'ongg, ling'ongg ee jaboxqniaw, iarcex, iarcex ee jaboxqniaw, gandharva, gandharva ee jaboxqniaw, asura, asura ee jaboxqniaw, garuda, garuda ee jaboxqniaw, kimnara, kimnara ee jaboxqniaw, mahoraga, qapp mahoraga ee jaboxqniaw, uirdiyhh tniax Hxuad, longxx e laii cinqin, qiongqingr, qapp qiong’iongw. Qycc u bikiu, bikuni, upasaka, upasika, qok’ongg, ongjuw, jiongww dairsinn, quanwsiok, siyw dngw lenw ongg, dua dngw lenw ongg, (iong cid vyw jongsig :ee), inx jit-cingx xee qniaw, qapp lairgua quanwsiok longxx jre inx ee qiongden laii tniax Hxuad.
In'ui jiaxee posad gauu suathuad, brahman, qusu, qapp qoklai ee zinbinn itdit qaur siursor jin longxx e itdit qra suisi qapp qiong’iongw. Qycc jiongww sniabunn, pratyekabuddha, posad, qapp jiongww vut itdit longxx hnuahiw knuar diyc ix.
Jitt xee langg bylun dirr dyhh, jiongww vut longxx e hiongr ix hitt xui suathuad. Ix erdangr siurcii itcer vudhuad, qycc tangx huad cud cimbiau ee huat’imx."
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 7)
“Furthermore, O Satatasamitābhiyukta, if sons and daughters of a virtuous family preserve, recite, explain, or copy this sutra, they will attain the twelve hundred qualities of the tongue. All that they taste, whether of good or bad flavor, savory or bland, bitter or astringent, will, through their pure faculty of tongue, come to taste just like the heavenly nectar of immortality, and they will find nothing unpleasant. If they expound the teaching to the great multitude with their tongues, their voices will be profound and touch the heart. All those in this multitude will be gladdened and pleased.
“Furthermore, Śakra, Brahma and other devaputras and heavenly maidens, hearing a sequence of their teaching expounded with such profound voices, will all come to hear it. Dragons, the daughters of nāgas, yakṣas, the daughters of yakṣas, gandharvas, the daughters of gandharvas, asuras, the daughters of asuras, garuḍas, the daughters of garuḍas, kiṃnaras, the daughters of kiṃnaras, mahoragas, and the daughters of mahoragas will all approach, respect, and honor them in order to listen to their teaching. The monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, kings and princes, ministers and their attendants, and the lesser noble emperors and great noble emperors adorned with the seven treasures and their thousand princes and their attendants of the inner and outer households will enter the palace and listen to the teaching.
“Since these bodhisattvas expound the teaching skillfully, the brahmans, householders, and the people of their land will attend and honor such bodhisattvas until the end of their lives. All the śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and buddhas will always wish to see them.
“Wherever this person may be, he will teach the Dharma in the presence of the buddhas there. He will thus be able to preserve the BuddhaDharma entirely as well as utter the profound word of the Dharma.”
(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之7)
復次常精進。若善男子善女人。受持是經。若讀若誦若解說若書寫。得千二百舌功德。若好若醜。若美不美。及諸苦澁物。 在其舌根。皆變成上味。如天甘露無不美者。若以舌根。於大眾中有所演說。出深妙聲能入其心。皆令歡喜快樂。又諸天子天女釋梵諸天。聞是深妙音聲。有所演說言論次第。皆悉來聽。及諸龍龍女。夜叉夜叉女。乾闥婆乾闥婆女。阿修羅阿修羅女。迦樓羅迦樓羅女。緊那羅緊那羅女。摩睺羅伽摩睺羅伽女。為聽法故。皆來親近恭敬供養。及比丘比丘尼優婆塞優婆夷。國王王子群臣眷屬。小轉輪王大轉輪王。七寶千子內外眷屬。乘其宮殿俱來聽法。以是菩薩善說法故。婆羅門居士國內人民。盡其形壽隨侍供養。又諸聲聞辟支佛菩薩諸佛。常樂見之。是人所在方面。諸佛皆向其處說法。悉能受持一切佛法。又能出於深妙法音。