
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-qauw-8)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Jitt xee langg ee cuiwjic cingjing 

Taubuew be siurr og bi soxx hai 

Ix soxx jiac :ee 

Longxx e venr jyr qamlo 

Ix iong cimbiau cingjing ee sniax 

Dirr dairjiongr lairdew suathuad 

Iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu 

Laii inxdy jiongwsingx ee simx 

Tniax .diyc .ee longxx hnuahiw 

Sed jiongxjiongw siongrdingw ee mic qiong’iongw 

Jiongww tenzinn, ling’ongg, iarcex 

Qapp asura dringw 

Longxx ixx qiongqingr ee simx 

Dangjee laii tniax Hxuad 

Jitt xee suathuad ee langg 

Narr beh iong bixbiau ee imsniax 

Venww muaw samcenx sewqair 

Tangx suiir jiksii qauwui 

Dua qapp siyw dngw lenn ongg 

Qapp inx jit-cingx ee qniaw ham’ quanwsiok 

Habjiongw ixx qiongqingr ee simx 

Dniardnia laii tniax qapp niaxsiu Hxuad 

Jiongww tenzinn, ling’ongg, iarcex 

Raksasa, qapp pisaca 

Iarr ixx hnuahiw ee simx

Dniardnia hixlok laii qiong’iongw

Brahma Tnix ee ongg, mo’ongg

Jurjai Tnix, qapp Dua Jurjai Tnix

Jiaxee jiongww tenzinn

Dniardnia laii ix hitt xee soxjai

Jiongww vut qapp derjuw

Tniax diyc suathuad ee imsniax

Siongrsiong e sniu ix qycc qra siuxho

Uree qycc e cinsinx cuthen

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 8)

Whereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

Such people, through their pure faculty of taste, 

Will never taste bad flavors. 

Whatever they eat 

Will all become the nectar of immortality. 

With their profound, subtle voice 

They will teach the Dharma to the great assembly. 

With various explanations and illustrations 

Their teaching will touch the hearts of sentient beings. 

All those who hear them will be gladdened 

And honor them with the best offerings. 

All the devas, nāgas, yakṣas, and asuras 

Will come together and listen with respect 

To the Dharma. 

If these expounders of the Dharma want 

Their subtle voice to penetrate 

Throughout the manifold cosmos, 

It will reach wherever they wish. 

The great and lesser noble emperors, 

And their thousand princes and attendants, 

Will always come and listen to the Dharma 

With their palms pressed together 

And with respectful thoughts. 

All the devas, nāgas, yakṣas, 

Rākṣasas, and piśācas

With joyful minds will also always 

Rejoice to come and honor them. 

All the devas, 

Such as Brahma, Māra, Īśvara, Maheśvara, 

Will always come to them. 

All the buddhas and their disciples, 

Hearing the sound of his teaching, 

Will always remember and protect him, 

And at times appear in his presence.

(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之8)


 是人舌根淨  終不受惡味

 其有所食噉  悉皆成甘露

 以深淨妙聲  於大眾說法

 以諸因緣喻  引導眾生心

 聞者皆歡喜  設諸上供養

 諸天龍夜叉  及阿修羅等

 皆以恭敬心  而共來聽法

 是說法之人  若欲以妙音

 遍滿三千界  隨意即能至

 大小轉輪王  及千子眷屬

 合掌恭敬心  常來聽受法

 諸天龍夜叉  羅剎毘舍闍

 亦以歡喜心  常樂來供養

 梵天王魔王  自在大自在

 如是諸天眾  常來至其所

 諸佛及弟子  聞其說法音

 常念而守護  或時為現身

