
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-qauw-12)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Jitt xee langg ee ir cingjing 

Hunbingg, lrai, qycc byy uwuer 

Iong jitt xee bibiau ee ir-qinx 

Jaix siong-diongx-ha qokk jiongw huatmngg 

Simrjiww dna’ tniax diyc jit siuw jimgensix 

Dyrr tongdat buliong ee girliw 

Jiauww cuwde enxsuad vudhuad

Jit qywguec, sir qywguec, simrjiww jit nii 

Jitt xee sewqair ee lairgua 

Itcer jiongwsingx 

Bylun tenzinn, ling’ongg, langg 

Iarcex iacc quixsinn dringw 

Dirr liogdy lairdew 

Soxu inx soxx sniu :ee 

In'ui cisiuw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx ee qyxvyr 

Ix jidsii longxx jai'ngiaw 

Sibhongx ee busor vut 

U vah hog jonggiamm ee siongwmau 

Uirr jiongwsingx suathuad 

Ix longxx tniax e diyc iarr longxx siurcii 

Sukyw buliong ee girliw 

Suathuad iarr buliong 

Taubuew byy be qir .did iarr byy cacog 

In’ui cisiuw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx ee enqor 

Ix jaix itcer henrsiong 

Jiauww girliw jiauww cuwde kir liauxqaiw 

Tongdat miazi qapp gixgenn 

Jiauww soxx jaix :ee enxsuad 

Jitt xee langg soxx enxsuad :ee 

Longxx si jinwjingg vut ee qauwhuad 

In’ui enxsuad jiaxee Hxuad 

Dirr jiongwsingx lairdew byy soxx qnia’uir 

Cisiuw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee 

Ir-qinx cingjing zucuw 

Suizenn iauxx bue did diyc byy lrau 

Singx u jitt hy kuanxsid 

Jitt xee langg cisiuw jitt vxo qingx

An’unw diamr dirr hanxiuw ee de

Virr itcer jiongwsingx

Hixair qycc qingwair

Tangx iong cenban jiongw

Iong kaxbiau ee gengiw

Hunved laii suathuad

In'ui u cisiuw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx ee enqor

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIX The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma 12)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

The minds of such people are pure 

And transparent without impurity. 

Through their faculty of intellect 

They will know the superior, 

Mediocre and inferior teachings. 

On hearing a single verse, 

They will thoroughly penetrate 

The immeasurable meaning. 

Thus they will teach the Dharma little by little 

For a period of one month, 

Four months, or one year. 

As the result of preserving the Lotus Sutra, 

They will instantly know 

What all the sentient beings, 

Inside and outside this world, 

Such as devas, nāgas, humans, yakṣas, rākṣasas, 

And those who dwell in the six transmigratory states, 

Think in their various ways. 

They will hear and completely preserve the Dharma 

Which the innumerable buddhas in the ten directions, 

Who are possessed of the marks of a hundred merits, 

Teach for the sake of sentient beings. 

They contemplate the immeasurable meaning 

And they teach the Dharma in immeasurable ways; 

They will neither forget nor be confused 

From the beginning to the end 

Because they preserve the Lotus Sutra. 

They will completely know 

All aspects of all dharmas, 

And discern the meaning 

According to the sequence. 

They will be versed in names and words 

And expound in accordance with this knowledge. 

What they teach is the Dharma 

That has all been taught 

By the buddhas of the past. 

Because they expound this Dharma, 

They will have no fear among the people. 

Those who preserve the Lotus Sutra possess 

The pure faculty of mind just like this. 

Even though they have not yet attained 

The stage of noncorruption, 

They will previously have had 

The characteristics described above. 

These people preserve this sutra 

And dwell in the marvelous stage; 

All the sentient beings will rejoice 

And revere them. 

They will illuminate and explain the teaching 

With thousands of myriads of koṭis of skillful words 

Because they preserve the Lotus Sutra.

(妙法蓮華經第十九品 法師功德之12)


 是人意清淨  明利無穢濁

 以此妙意根  知上中下法

 乃至聞一偈  通達無量義

 次第如法說  月四月至歲

 是世界內外  一切諸眾生

 若天龍及人  夜叉鬼神等

 其在六趣中  所念若干種

 持法花之報  一時皆悉知

 十方無數佛  百福莊嚴相

 為眾生說法  悉聞能受持

 思惟無量義  說法亦無量

 終始不忘錯  以持法華故

 悉知諸法相  隨義識次第

 達名字語言  如所知演說

 此人有所說  皆是先佛法

 以演此法故  於眾無所畏

 持法花經者  意根淨若斯

 雖未得無漏  先有如是相

 是人持此經  安住希有地

 為一切眾生  歡喜而愛敬

 能以千萬種  善巧之語言

 分別而說法  持法花經故

