
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Sir-jap-zi Jniux Qingx (11)

Vuddyy qongw, "Vowsix hro jit-vah xee pnaiw langg, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee hyw lang. Vowsix hro jit-cingx xee hyw langg, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee siuw gnoxqair :ee. Vowsix hro jit-bxan xee siuw gnoxqair :ee, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee Srotaapanna. Vowsix hro vacban xee Srotaapanna, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee Sagradagami. Vowsix hro cingban xee Sagradagami, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee Anagamin. Vowsix hro jit-ig xee Anagamin, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee Arhat. Vowsix hro jap-ig xee Arhat, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee Pratyekabuddha. Vowsix hro vac'ig xee Pratyekabuddha, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee snax sxer vut. Vowsix hro cing'ig xee snax sxer vut, vutzuu vowsix hro jit xee henrjingg byy simsux, byy jipsiuw, byy siudy, qapp byy jingwgno :ee."

The Buddha said: "It is better to feed one good man than to feed one hundred bad men. It is better to feed one who observes the five precepts of Buddha than to feed one thousand good men. It is better to feed one Srotaâpanna than to feed ten thousands of those who observe the five precepts of Buddha. It is better to feed one Skridâgâmin than to feed one million of Srotaâpannas. It is better to feed one Anâgâmin than to feed ten millions of Skridâgâmins. It is better to feed one Arhat than to feed one hundred millions of Anâgâmins. It is better to feed one Pratyekabuddha than to feed one billion of Arhats. It is better to feed one of the Buddhas, either of the present, or of the past, or of the future, than to feed ten billions of Pratyekabuddhas. It is better to feed one who is above knowledge, one sidedness, discipline, and enlightenment than to feed one hundred billions of Buddhas of the past, present, or future."

(佛說四十二章經 --11)
佛言。飯惡人百。不如飯一善人。飯善人千。不如飯一持五戒者。飯持五戒者萬。不如飯一須陀 洹。飯百萬須陀洹。不如飯一斯陀含。飯千萬斯陀含。不如飯一阿那含。飯一億阿那含。不如飯一阿羅漢。飯十億阿羅漢。不如飯一辟支佛。飯百億辟支佛。不如飯 一三世諸佛。飯千億三世諸佛。不如飯一無念無住無修無證之者。

