
Vuddyy Uiliuu Qingx (22)

Linw jiaxee bikiu narr duiww Sir Singwder u giaugii :ee, tangx qnuaxqinw mng. M tangx u giaugii byy beh qriuu qaixquad.
Hitt sii Sewjunx zucuw ciangr snax vaiw, byy langg qra mng. Uirjnuaxngiu e anxnisnix? In'ui jingwlangg longxx byy giaugii.
Hitt jun, Aniruddha quancad jingwlangg soxx sniu liauxau qra Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Guec tangx venr siyx, zit tangx venr lingw, Vuddyy qongw Sir Singwder be qaixii. Vuddyy qongw kow-singwder jinjniar si kow, be venr kuaiwlok. Jip-singwder jinjniar si rinx, byy vadd jiongw rinx. Kow narr dubet, rinx dyrr bet. Rinx bet, qryw dyrr bet. Bet kow ee dy sidjai si jinx dy, byy vadd jiongw dy. Sewjunx, jiongww bikiu duiww Sir Singwder quatding byy giaugii."

All of you Bhikshus, if you have doubts about suffering and the other Four Truths, you may quickly ask about them now. Do not harbour doubts and fail to clear them up.
At that time the World Honored One repeated this three times, yet no one asked him a question. And why was this? Because the assembly did not harbour any doubts.
At that time Venerable Aniruddha contemplated the minds of the assembly and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, the moon can become hot and the sun can become cold, but the Four Truths proclaimed by the Buddha cannot be otherwise. The Truth of Suffering taught by the Buddha is actually suffering, and cannot become happiness. Accumulation is truly the cause of it, besides which there is no other cause. If one is to destroy suffering, the cause of suffering must be destroyed, because if the cause is destroyed then the result is destroyed. The path leading to the destruction of suffering is truly the real path, besides which there is no other path. World Honored One, all of these Bhikshus are certain and have no doubts about the Four Truths."

(佛遺教經 -22)

