
Vuddyy Uiliuu Qingx (25)

An' henrjai ixau, guaw ee jiongww derjuw diyhh jiapsiok siuhing. Zucuw, Zulaii ee huatsinx dyrr vutsii junjai, be bedbyy. Soxiw qongxx, diyhh jaix sewqandai qewqer busiongg, e dauwdin vitdnia iarr e hunkuix. M tangx iuciuu. Sewqanx ee jinsiongr dyrr si anxnex. Qaidongx qutlat jingjinr, jaxzit qiucuw qaixtuad, ixx diwhui ee qngx dubet qokk jiongw cigaii ee amr. Sewqanx sidjai si guihiamw qycc amxziok, byy dingrdauc byy qiong'iongw. Guaw dnaxx did diyc beddo naxx cincniu kuduu og vne. Jex si juerog ee mic, qaidongx siar li :ee. Sinkux si jit xee qew miaa, dirr snix-lau-vne-siw ee daurhaiw decc pudimm. Jit xee u diwhui :ee tangx qra dubet cincniu taii driau kyxngor ee cat, beh tacc e byy hnuahiw lehh?

From now on all of my disciples must continuously practise. Then the Thus Come One's Dharma body will always be present and indestructible. You should know therefore, that everything in the world is impermanent. Meetings necessarily have seperations, so do not harbour grief. Every appearance in the world is like this, so you should be vigorous and seek for an early liberation. Destroy the darkness of delusion with the brightness of wisdom. The world is truly dangerous and unstable, without any durability. My present attainment of Nirvana is like being rid of a malignant sickness. The body is a false name, drowning in the great ocean of birth, sickness, old age and death. How can one who is wise not be happy when he gets rid of it, like killing a hateful thief?

(佛遺教經 -25)
自今已後。我諸弟子展轉行之。則是如來法身常在而不滅也。是故當知。世皆無常會必有離。勿懷憂也。世相如是。當勤精進早求解脫。以智慧明滅諸癡闇。世實危脆無牢強者。我今得滅如除惡病。此是應捨罪惡之物。假名為身。 沒在生老病死大海。何有智者得除滅之如殺怨賊而不歡喜。

