Aniruddha suizenn u qongw jiaxee ue, jingwlangg longxx u liauxted sir xee singwder ee iwgi. Sewjunx uirdiyhh beh hro dairjiongr (ee simx) longxx tangx qenqor, ixx dairvisimx qycjaiww uirr jingwlangg qangxsuad.
"Linw jiaxee bikiu m tangx iuciuu qapp huanlyw. Narr guaw druar dirr sewqanx jit kalpa(qiab), qapp linw dauwdin ee zidjiw jongw iarr e jin. Ingxuanw dauwdin be hunkuix, jiongqibuew si byy kyxlingg. Lirig qaqi qapp tazinn longxx jiauvi, guaw junw druar quw marr byy kacc je jinwig. Ingqaix dorhuar :ee, tnidingw qapp zinqangx jinrqaix uansingg. Hiaxee iauxx bue dorhuar :ee iarr longxx u qra jyr did dorhuar ee inenn.
Aniruddha spoke these words. Everyone in the assembly had penetrated the meaning of the Four Holy Truths. The World Honored One wished all in that great assembly to be firm, so with a mind of great compassion he spoke again for their sake.
"All of you Bhikshus do not be grieved or distressed. If I were to live in the world for a kalpa, my association with you would still come to an end. A meeting without a seperation can never be. The Dharma for benefitting oneself and others is complete. If I were to live longer it would be of no further benefit. All of those who could be crossed over, whether in the heavens above or among humans, have already crossed over, and all of those who have not yet crossed over have already created the causes and conditions for crossing over.
(佛遺教經 -24)
阿那樓馱雖說是語。 眾中皆悉了達四聖諦義。世尊欲令此諸大眾皆得堅固以大悲心復為眾說。汝等比丘。勿懷憂惱。若我住世一劫會亦當滅。會而不離終不可得。自利利人法皆具足。若我久住更無所益。應可度者若天上人間皆悉已度。其未度者皆亦已作得度因緣。