(cisiuw qingdenw ee qongdig)
"Subhuti! Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn, jaxkiw-sii iong Ganges Hyy ee suax hiacc je ee sinmia vowsix, diongdaur-sii iong Ganges Hyy ee suax hiacc je ee sinmia vowsix, bec'amr aw iarr iong Ganges Hyy ee suax hiacc je ee sinmia vowsix, cincniu anxnex qingquer buliong vaccingbanrig qiab(kalpa) hiacc quw iong sinmia vowsix. Narr qycc u langg tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, siongsinr byy uivue, ix ee hokkir kacc dua quer taujingg hitt xee. Byc qongxx si causiaw, siurcii, tak, vuerliam, qapp uirr langg' qaixsuah."
"Subhuti! Qanxdanx qongw. Jitt vxo qingx u byy huatdo iwsniu, byy huatdo cuiliong, qapp buvenx ee qongdig. Zulaii uirr huatsimx siulen Dairsing :ee qangxsuad, uirr huatsimx siulen jueww siongrsing :ee qangxsuad. Narr u langg erdangr siurcii, tak, iacc vuerliam, jit siwqer qangxsuad hro langg' tniax, Zulaii jai'ngiaw iarr knuar qnir jitt hy langg longxx singjiu byy huatdo cuiliong, byy huatdo cinwdang, byy dexjiw, qapp byy huatdo iwsniu ee qongdig. Cincniu jitt hy langg tangx damsingg Zulaii ee anuttara samyaksambodhi. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Subhuti! Hingr siyw hxuad :ee jipsiuw guaw ji' qenr, langg ji' qenr, jiongwsingx ji' qenr, iacc sniwmia ji' qenr, dyrr berdangr tniax, siurcii, tak, vuerliam, iacc uirr langg' qaixsuad jitt vxo qingx.
Subhuti! Bylun dirr dyc'ui, narr u jitt vxo qingx ee soxjai, itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn, langg, qapp asura longxx ingwdongx qra qiong'iongw. Qaidongx jai'ngiaw jitt xui dyrr si vudtah, longxx ingwdongx qra qiongqingr, qnialew, sehkolinx, iong jiongxjiongw pangx huex laii ia dirr hitt dah."
"Subhuti, a good man or good woman might in the morning give away as many bodies as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River, and again at noon give away as many bodies as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River, and again in the evening give away as many bodies as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River, giving away bodies like that throughout immeasurable hundreds of thousands of billions of kalpas. But if someone else were to hear this Sutra and believe it without reservation, his blessings would surpass the blessings of the former person. How much greater the blessings would be if one could write out, accept, uphold, read, recite and explain this Sutra for others.
"Subhuti, to sum it up, the merit and virtue of this Sutra is inconceivable, incalculable and boundless. The Thus Come One spoke it for those intent on the Great Vehicle, for those intent on the foremost vehicle. The Thus Come One knows and sees all people who can accept, uphold, read, recite and extensively explain this Sutra for others. Such people perfect immeasurable, incalculable, boundless and inconceivable merit and virtue and sustain the Thus Come One's Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Why? Subhuti, one who delights in lesser dharmas is attached to a view of a self, a view of others, a view of living beings and a view of a life. This person cannot hear, accept, uphold, read or recite this Sutra or explain it for others.
"Subhuti, the gods, humans, and asuras of the world should make offerings wherever this Sutra is found. Know that this place is a Stupa. All beings should pay respect, worship, circumambulate and decorate it with incense and flowers."
(金剛般若波羅密經 -- 持經功德分第十五)