Shariputra! Dirr Lamhngx Sewqair u Zidguat Dingx Vut, Cutmiaa Dingx Vut, Dua Iam Qringx Vut, Sumeru Dingx Vut, qapp Buliong Jingjinr Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.
Shariputra, in the Southern World, Sun-Moon Lamp Buddha, Sumeru Lamp Buddha, Celebrated Light Buddha, Great Radiant Shoulders Buddha, Sumeru Lamp Buddha, Measureless Vigor Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.
(佛說阿彌陀經 --8)
舍利弗。南方世界有日月燈佛。名聞光佛。大焰肩佛。須彌燈佛。無量精進佛。如是等恒河沙數諸佛。各於其國出廣長舌相。遍覆三千大千世界。說誠實言。汝等眾生。當信是稱讚不可思 議功德。一切諸佛所護念經。