
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Sir-jap-zi Jniux Qingx (33)

Vuddyy qongw, "Siuhingrlangg kyxviw jenwsu, danzinn-dogbew jenr jingwlangg. Cing jenwqah cutmngg. Uree iwjir nngxjniaw, uree vnuawdiongdoo tetter, uree jenr siw, uree jenr ngiaa dywdngw. Sabunn siudy, qaidongx qensimx-cet'ir, jingjinr jairdnaw, m qniax qanlann. Dubet jiongww xmoo laii did diyc qongqyw."


The Buddha said: Those who follow the Way are like unto warriors who fight single-handed with a multitude of foes. They may all go out of the fort in full armor; but among them are some who are faint-hearted, and some who go halfway and beat a retreat, and some who are killed in the affray, and some who come home victorious. O monks, if you desire to attain enlightenment, you should steadily walk in your Way, with a resolute heart, with courage, and should be fearless in whatever environment you may happen to be, and destroy every evil influence that you may come across; for thus you shall reach the goal."

(佛說四十二章經 --33)

