Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw knuawtai dewongg quiwjok jiaxee derui cincniu quer kangpang ee ing'iax; knuawtai qimginn jugik cincniu hiarpuer; knuawtai linglyy-diuduan cincniu covor snxax; knuawtai daircenx sewqair cincniu jit liap haritaki ee jiw; knuawtai Anavatapta Oo ee juiw cincniu buah kax ee iuu. Guaw knuawtai qiuwjo ee lirven honghuad cincniu jit dxuix huanwhuar ee dinvyw; knuawtai jiww quann ee huatmngg cincniu bang-diongx ee qimx snxax; knuawtai vuddy cincniu ganw-jingg ee kangx huex; knuawtai sendnia cincniu Sumeru Snuax ee snuatiau; knuawtai liappuann cincniu zid'ia jingsinn; knuawtai ngirduanx qapp jniawpair cincniu lak jiah lringg decc tiauwbuw; knuawtai vingdingw cincniu s.-sidjai-j. ee dertow; knuawtai hingvai cincniu suwquir ee ciurbok."
The Buddha said: "I consider the dignities of kings and lords as a particle of dust that floats in the sunbeam. I consider the treasure of precious metals and stones as bricks and pebbles. I consider the gaudy dress of silks and brocades as a worn-out rag. I consider this universe as small as the holila fruit. I consider the lake of Anavatapta as a drop of oil with which one smears the feet. I consider the various methods of salvation taught by the Buddhas as a treasure created by the imagination. I consider the transcendental doctrine of Buddhism as precious metal or priceless fabric seen in a dream. I consider the teaching of Buddhas as a flower before my eyes. I consider the practice of Dhyâna as a pillar supporting the Mount Sumeru. I consider Nirvâna as awakening from a day dream or nightmare. I consider the struggle between heterodox and orthodox as the antics of the six [mythical] dragons. I consider the doctrine of sameness as the absolute ground of reality. I consider all the religious works done for universal salvation as like the plants in the four seasons."
(佛說四十二章經 --42)
(佛說四十二章經 --42)