Vuddyy qongw, "Langg lirkuix og dy, tangx cutsir jyr langg, lann. Cutsir jyr langg, byy snix jyr jaboxlangg, snix jyr javolangg, lann. Cutsir jyr javolangg, lak qinx-mngg jiauvi, lann. Lak qinx-mngg jiauvi, cutsir dirr u vut ee qoktow, lann. Cutsir dirr u vut ee qoktow, duxdng dirr vut u jairser, lann. Cutsir dirr vut u jairser, beh tniax diyc dy, lann. Tniax diyc dy, beh hingx kiw siudy ee sinwsimx, lann. Siudy ee sinwsimx u hingx kiw, beh huad potesimx, lann. U huad potesimx, beh liauxted ciautuad siudy qapp jingwgno, lann."
The Buddha said: "Even if one escapes from the evil creations, it is one's rare fortune to be born as a human being. Even if one be born as human, it is one's rare fortune to be born as a man and not a woman. Even if one be born a man, it is one's rare fortune to be perfect in all the six senses. Even if he be perfect in all the six senses, it is his rare fortune to be born in the middle kingdom. Even if he be born in the middle kingdom, it is his rare fortune to be born in the time of a Buddha. Even if he be born in the time of a Buddha, it is his rare fortune to see the enlightened. Even if he be able to see the enlightened, it is his rare fortune to have his heart awakened in faith. Even if he have faith, it is his rare fortune to awaken the heart of intelligence. Even if he awakens the heart of intelligence, it is his rare fortune to realize a spiritual state which is above discipline and attainment."
(佛說四十二章經 --36)