Qycc u, Shariputa! Ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow ee jiongwsingx longxx si avaivartika(be qycc dywter). Inx qidiongx jerje dirr au jitt sxer dyrr e jniaa vut, sowliong qigqii je, m si iong sngr :ee sngr e cud .laii, dna' tangx qongw si buliong buvenx ee asmakhya qiab hiacc je. Shariputra! U tniax .qnir ee jiongwsingx qaidongx huatguan beh ongxsingx kir hitt xee qog. Si anwjnuaw lehh? In'ui tangx ham' jerje jiww sxen :ee jywhuew dirr jit xee soxjai.
Shariputra! Kueckiamr senrqinx qapp hokdig ee inenn :ee berdangr ongxsingx kir hitt xee qog. Shariputra! Senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn tniax qnir Amitabha Vut qycc u cisiuw ix ee miahy, bylun jit qangx, nng qangx, snax qangx, sir qangx, go qangx, lak qangx, iacc cid qangx, itsimx byy beluan, hitt xee langg sniwmia jinrbuew ee sii, Amitabha Vut qapp jiongww singwjiaw e dirr ix binrjingg cuthen. Jitt hy langg qaur jinrbuew, simx byy dendyr, jikkig tangx ongxsingx qaur Amitabha Vut ee Qiglok Qoktow.
Shariputra! Guaw u knuar diyc jitt hy lirig, mrjiacc e qongw jiaxee ue. Jiongwsingx narr u tniax diyc jiaxee ue, qaidongx huatguan beh ongxsingx kir hitt xee qoktow.
Moreover, Shariputra, the living beings born in the Land of Utmost Happiness are all avaivartika. Among them are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood. Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable. And only in measureless, limitless asamkyeyas of kalpas could they be counted. Shariputra, those living beings who hear of this should vow: I wish to be born in that country. And why? Because those who are born there assemble in one place with people whose goodness is unsurpassed.
Shariputra, if one has few good roots, blessings, and virtues, one cannot be born in that land. Shariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears of Amitabha and holds his name whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days with one mind unconfused, when this person nears the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha and all the Assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his mind will not be utterly confused, and in Amitabha's Land of Utmost Happiness he will quickly be reborn.
Shariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words; and, if living beings hear this teaching they should make the vow: I wish to born in that land.
(佛說阿彌陀經 --6)